The Haunting of the Girl's Bathroom

Gather round, brave souls... they say the third stall in the girl’s bathroom is haunted by the ghost of a student from the ‘50s. She always taps three times on the door if you're inside. And if you look in the mirror and say her name backward, you'll hear her laughter echoing. Some say it's just a draft... but others? We know the truth. My friend Jess wouldn't even dare step foot in there anymore.

Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by DizzyLizzy


As a medium, I can tell you that speaking the name of a spirit backward in a mirror can be a powerful invocation. I'd strongly advise against such actions unless you are prepared for the consequences. If anyone is experiencing disturbances, I can offer my guidance to cleanse the space.

8 months, 1 week ago by PsychicSally


Sounds like someone needs to call maintenance to check those stalls. Old schools always have something wrong with them. Bet it's nothing a wrench and some sealant can't fix.

8 months, 1 week ago by AverageJoe12


This is SO COOL. Anyone knows the girl's name?? I wanna try the mirror thing during lunch. Maybe we can make friends with her – or at least get a good scare in. Anyone wanna join?

8 months, 1 week ago by GhostGal88


lol, Jess is prob in on the prank. Set up a camera, catch her red-handed. Ghosts in the bathroom is such an old trick, get creative, people!

8 months, 1 week ago by PranksterPete


Did a bit of digging, and it turns out that the school was actually built on old farmland. Sometimes, these places have histories that we're not aware of. Restless spirits, unsettled energy – all that can contribute to hauntings. The girl from the '50s might be searching for closure. Anyone tried communicating or helping her move on?

8 months, 1 week ago by Horror_Hunter


I work as a janitor in a school and you'd be surprised by what you hear when the halls are empty. Taps, bangs, even whispers. Could be the building settling... or it could be something else. Drafts don't tap in rhythms, kids.

8 months, 1 week ago by ExperiencedJanitor


Chills! I've heard about this kind of thing happening at other schools too, and I'm 100% convinced it's legit. Mirrors are like portals, man. And names? Names have power, especially said backward. I wouldn't mess with that kind of stuff. Jess is smart to stay clear. Who wants to be haunted for life by some bathroom ghost??

8 months, 1 week ago by TrueBeliever95


Lol, tapping three times? that's just the old pipes. Schools are ancient, and every weird noise gets a ghost story. Poor Jess is probably freaking out over some regular plumbing quirks. Bet the '50s student haunting the bathroom is just a story some seniors made up to mess with the first years.

8 months, 1 week ago by SpookySkeptic42