I’m sorta new in town and I noticed the water fountain by the swings? It has like super warm water, like all the time. Back at my old school it was cold. Is it broken or something here???
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by chewgum_and_walk
The warm water issue arises from a combination of factors. Firstly, the public water system here isn't chilled - unlike some other municipalities. Secondly, thermal conduction from the soil, especially during warmer seasons, can significantly raise the temperature of the water inside the pipes. Lastly, the pipes aren't insulated, which would mitigate this effect. It’s not a malfunction of the fountain; it’s a matter of infrastructure investment, or lack thereof.
This has been an issue for a while now. Multiple complaints to the school board have resulted in nothing. If we want our kids to drink cold water, we might have to take matters into our own hands. Another parent and I have been discussing fundraising for a new water cooler for the playground, might start something soon!
It’s not broken lol. The pipes in that fountain run super close to the surface, gets all the heat from the sun. That’s why your water is like a hot summer day, pretty much every day. Just like that 24/7. Tap’s the same, just buried little deeper.