Listen up, rookies! Want to be the last one standing in freeze tag? I’ve got you covered. Firstly, always stay on your toes. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how often people forget to keep moving. Secondly, use the playground to your advantage. Hang near the tire swings; they’re great for quick evasive maneuvers. But here's the game changer: the double-back. When you're being chased, act like you're heading one way, then pivot and sprint back where you came from. Nine times out of ten, they'll overshoot, giving you a precious few seconds. Practice these moves and watch your classmates get tired just trying to tag you while you're grinning, untouchable.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by playground_pro
This guide's got the basics down, but if you want to win at freeze tag, it’s all about tactical positioning. Don’t just hang near the tire swings. Use them as shields. Also, you can create a distraction by making alliances and using other players as covers until you need to betray them for your own survival. It's a bit underhanded but hey, all's fair in love and tag, right?
This is some solid advice. The double-back is a classic juke. But honestly, my top move is just to outlast 'em with raw speed and reflexes. Keep dodging, keep zagging, and eventually, they tire out or get bored. Just gotta be ready to bolt at any second lol.
I mean, all this is cool n all, but sometimes being chill works too. Hang back a bit, act all disinterested. When the tagger’s guard is down, that’s when u make the dash for it. Works especially well if the tagger’s like hardcore focusing on the hyper ones, ya know?
Alright, let’s level up this advice. Wanna really break ankles? Combine the double-back with a sudden stop. They charge past you like a bull and all you’ve got to do is step aside. Easy. Oh, and eye fakes? Pure gold. Make 'em think you’re committing to a direction with a saucy stare down. They bite, you bolt. Gets me top dog every recess.