Vegetable Garden with Kids

If you’re on the fence, I highly recommend gardening with your kids! My kiddos (5 and 3) LOVE it. They have their own small patches of garden and choose what they want to plant. Super fun watching stuff grow, they learn responsibility, and they eat veggies without a fuss cause they grew it themselves! Anybody else garden with their little ones?

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by JohnnyBeGoodDad


Great to hear that! We only grow organic at our house, so our kids understand from a young age the importance of good, pesticide-free food. Let's make the world greener, one kiddo at a time! 💚

1 year, 4 months ago by OnlyOrganicMomma


tried it... was more like I did all the work while they played in the mud lol props to you if it works for you! 👍

1 year, 4 months ago by DoubtfulDennis


No kids, but I can tell my plants are my babies. Good for you for teaching yours young. They'll thank you one day.

1 year, 4 months ago by TableForOne


Kids on a farm here. Can confirm, they learn a lot just by being involved around. Plus, they don't moan about chores as much cos they're 'tending to their garden'. Keep at it!

1 year, 4 months ago by TheBachelorFarmer


We used to do this when mine were little. Those days are long gone, they'd rather be on their phones now. Enjoy this time while it lasts. And yes, if it gets them to eat their veggies, win-win in every sense 😂

1 year, 4 months ago by ParentingNinja


Doing our bit for the environment while teaching kids about where their food comes from, recycling and responsibility. Double win! Putting it out there, if you don't have outdoor space, indoor herb pots are a neat alternative. You can grow mint, basil, chives, all kinds! 🌱

1 year, 4 months ago by EcoDad87


Isn't it just the best? Mine were skeptical at first but now it's like magic for them. They can't believe that food is growing from tiny seeds they planted. I think it's one of the best lessons we can give in these tech-driven times.

1 year, 4 months ago by SuburbanMom


Gardening is an awesome way to teach kids about nature 'n stuff. Been doing it with my grandkids. Use compost to teach 'em about recycling organic waste. If you want a suggestion for plants, try sunflowers. Kids love 'em, they grow fast and tall.

1 year, 4 months ago by GreenGardenGuru