What ever happened to wooden toys?

I feel like they don't make'em like they used to. Whatever happened to good ol' wooden blocks and things? Seems to me like everything's electronic these days. Anybody else feel the same way??

Submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Lessons_from_Granny


I still have an old wooden train set from when I was a kid. Used to spend hours with that thing. Trying to share traditions like that with my children today though, it's a little challenging. Found myself scouring Ebay for similar stuff!

11 months, 3 weeks ago by NostalgicNick


lol maybe the wooden toys turned into real boys and left. Ever think of that, Pinocchio? 🤔

11 months, 3 weeks ago by I_trollU


As a toy store owner, I've seen the demand for traditional wooden toys decline over the years. Unfortunately, the market's saturated with cheap, mass-produced plastic toys. But in recent years, I'd say there's a slight resurgence–more parents valuing quality, nostalgia, and the environmental impact of toys. So don't lose hope!

11 months, 3 weeks ago by ToyStoreOwner


I’ve noticed the same - those good old wooden toys sure are hard to find nowadays! I found a few at my local thrift store. Maybe try there?

11 months, 3 weeks ago by MamaBear_4


Back in my day, all we had were wooden playthings and we turned out just fine! Kids these days got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty. I reckon they could do with some simple wooden blocks.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by GrannySmith8


Why do you think electronics are bad? Personally, I believe in balancing things out. Sure, wooden toys are cool and nostalgic, but let’s face it, we live in a digitizing world and equipping kids with tech-savvy intelligence early on can give them a head start. Just saying 🤷‍♂️

11 months, 3 weeks ago by PixelPapa


I feel your frustration. I've tried to opt for sustainable, non-plastic toys for our home. Found some great companies that still make beautiful wooden toys. Check out Plan Toys or Melissa and Doug, they are my go-to! They bring me right back to my own childhood.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by GreenMomma


Absolutely agree with you! I'm a bit of a woodwork enthusiast and love making my kiddos old-style wooden toys. Yeah, it's time-consuming compared to picking up a flashy electronic off the shelf, but there's something rewarding about it, y'know? Plus, helps me feel like I'm passing on a little bit of craftsmanship to the next gen. Maybe consider trying your hand at it?

11 months, 3 weeks ago by WoodWorks79