For me personally, high school was the most stressful, unhappy time of my life because I think my parents reflected their anxiety about the future on me, projecting onto my future and not communicating fully why they wanted me to do X or Y. I'm wondering if you too feel …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by
For me personally, high school was the most stressful, unhappy time of my life because I think my parents reflected their anxiety about the future on me, projecting onto my future and not communicating fully why they wanted me to do X or Y. I'm wondering if you too feel …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by
Raising kids ain’t easy. Doing it alone is even harder. But there’s nothing like it. It’s definitely challenged me & taught me so much. Made me a better person. It's not always easy but I promise it's worth it peeps! Single parents out there, you're doing great.
Ever think about how weird it is we have a whole subreddit for the tiny humans we accidentally made? Like, we could just make more if these don't work out, right? I mean, just a thought... #parentinghack
If you’re on the fence, I highly recommend gardening with your kids! My kiddos (5 and 3) LOVE it. They have their own small patches of garden and choose what they want to plant. Super fun watching stuff grow, they learn responsibility, and they eat veggies without a fuss cause …
I feel like they don't make'em like they used to. Whatever happened to good ol' wooden blocks and things? Seems to me like everything's electronic these days. Anybody else feel the same way??
Long time daddy here, want to share a few important developmental milestones for anyone who is clueparenting. **Newborns (0-2 months):** Starting small, they'll soon follow where you point, so point and talk a lot. **Infants (2-6 months):** Grabbing stuff, rolling over, starting to sit up... it’s time for loads of …
OMG whats up with babies and they not sleeping? lol. Like... I'm losing my mind here. My son is 3 months old. Blessed but he won't sleep... any suggestions? 🙏 PLEASE HELP!