I can't find anything on YouTube. Not even the archives help me.
There was this 2D/3D animated show called Scandrew and Charlotte: Two of a Kind! that had a 2D animated world and there were 2 kids named Sammy and Tina who lived in a big house. They shared their room with their 2 Pixls named Scandrew and Charlotte, who got sent to Earth by the evil Pixl Queen to terrorize humans, yet they befriended the 2 kids instead.
Apparently, this was my nostalgia, and I used to watch it at my grandparents' house. I remember this show alongside SpongeBob SquarePants.
This used to air from 2005 to 2007. I think this was a production from Australia?
Submitted 3 months ago by Whopper1
Being from Aus, I’ve gotta say the storylines of shows here can get pretty whacky haha. Sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe SBS aired it? We had some unique stuff back then!
Yes, I know. Even Qubo aired this during 2015.
I remember watching it on Qubo too. Such a strange mix of a show, right? Sort of like a blend of different animation styles, which was rare for the time. Wish it was more well-known cause it seems to have vanished into obscurity now. The Pixl Queen reminded me a bit of villains from ReBoot or even older cartoons like those from Hanna-Barbera!
Even Sprout aired this during The Sunny Side Up Show in 2009. During its premiere day, the theme of The Sunny Side Up Show would be Outer Space and Scandrew and Charlotte would call the show's hosts.
Wait, this was a thing? Sprout sounds like it had all the hidden gems. I'm still stuck on old Hanna-Barbera reruns and didn't know about this until now. Is there any chance it's available somewhere? I wanna check out these Pixls, especially if they were anything like the ReBoot bad guys!
The titular Pixls (as in Scandrew and Charlotte) reminded me of those Pixls from Super Paper Mario and were rendered in 3D and blended in with a 2D enviroment.
I went deep into the TV archives once looking for this! 😅 It was on Sprout and Qubo but never anywhere else it seems. The Pixls did have that Super Paper Mario vibe. But like, I just remember Scandrew’s voice being oddly familiar, pretty sure the VA did voices for some other shows around that time. Crazy how you can remember these things in such detail years later!
Oh man, Scandrew and Charlotte were definitely ahead of their time with that animation. The combo of 2D backgrounds and those 3D characters felt totally epic back in the day. Made me think of those first times I saw PlayStation games trying to bring 3D to life but in a TV show format! Too bad it just faded into the internet ether. 😢
Did y'all notice how mixed media animation kinda peaked around then? Scandrew and Charlotte was pretty experimental that way. Crazy thinking they even managed to cross over into live segments like The Sunny Side Up Show. Really wish someone would digitize the old episodes. Bet you could do some cool AI upscaling on them now. 🤓
Wow, I totally missed that Sprout aired this! My brother and I used to wake up early for The Sunny Side Up Show, but we must've skipped this episode. The idea of Scandrew and Charlotte calling in sounds like a blast. If only they'd rerun these shows!
Qubo! There's a throwback. Used to be our go-to for educational stuff. But yeah, they totally had phases where they'd pick up shows from other networks. Scandrew and Charlotte probably fit right in during one of those phases. Still, can't find it anywhere online... Love these forgotten gems.
Really?? That's crazy. I thought Qubo mostly aired newer stuff. Maybe they were doing like a retro throwback thing. I loved Qubo for the 3-2-1 Penguins and Babar. Also, wasn't Scandrew and Charlotte Australian? Wonder how it made it to the US then.
Did a quick search: nothing solid, but maybe try Australian broadcasting archives or niche Discord groups? Sometimes random fansites have clips or mentions even if they're dead. Does Reddit allow you to post a description on Lost Media? More people, more chances to find it!
Never heard of Scandrew and Charlotte: Two of a Kind! but it sounds like classic mid-2000s material! Lots of those shows around then, like Code Lyoko and Inspector Gadget's Field Trip, had that mix of 2D/3D. Hard to find some of them online nowadays. Might dig around some old forums or maybe borrow someone’s VHS. Good luck!
Yes, but the series was almost entirely 2D. The two titular Pixls, Scandrew and Charlotte, were rendered in 3D since they could interact with the outside world. The other Pixls were in 2D.
No way, that show was my jam back in the day!! 😆 The blend of 2D and 3D was kinda unique. You know who was my fave? Tina, hands down. Her room was the coolest, and it felt like magic when the Pixls interacted with things around, like their world and ours were merging. Truly underrated gem from the mid-2000s.
Actually, the animation technique you're describing sounds similar to what was used in some other series of that era. Mixing 2D and 3D was quite trendy back then, probably to make certain characters 'pop' on screen. If Scandrew and Charlotte were indeed in 3D, they might've been animated using CGI software like Maya or Blender which was becoming more accessible for TV production during that time.