Anyone remember these sticky hand toys?

I just found one of those sticky hand toys from the 90s lying around my attic! Anyone else remember these? They were like, little sticky rubber toys you'd find in gumball machines, and you could throw them at walls (or at your siblings 😂). They'd stick for like a second before falling off, covered in hair and dust. Disgustingly fun. I had a whole collection until my mom threw them out 'cause they were kinda gross. Haha, good times!

Submitted 3 months ago by Featherdancer8


Man, those things were all the rage back then. You could get them out of vending machines for a quarter. And then once they got too dirty from dust bunnies, we’d try washing them in soap and water, pretending they’d be as good as new. Not quite, but we tried!

3 months ago by TheRealRetroJohn


You can't beat 90s toys. The sticky hands, slap bracelets, and those weird little rubber aliens in eggs. It's amazing how 90s kids grew up with such wacky stuff, yet it all feels special looking back now. Classic memories, man.

3 months ago by Forever90s


Dude, those were the best. We used to flick 'em at chalkboards when the teacher's back was turned. Got in trouble a lot, but it was worth it for the lols. Such simple fun!

3 months ago by OldSchoolKid


Yikes, I remember these things but in the grossest way possible. I'd throw them once and then spend forever trying to get all the dirt and lint off. Still, something nostalgic about the feel of them. But nope, not in my house now! 😂

3 months ago by GrossedOutGretchen


Ah, the sticky hand! Believe it or not, there's a whole community of folks who collect these! They actually came in a few different designs over the years. If you find the ones shaped like frogs or lizards, they're sort of a rare variant from the late 90s. Gotta love that retro vibe.

3 months ago by CollectibleCarl


I remember when these were the highlight of my day after school. I'd get 50 cents from my mom and run to the gumball machine at the corner store. Those sticky hands were like gold! My mom always complained because they'd leave marks on the walls (and the ceiling)! 😂

3 months ago by MemoryLaneLarry


Oh man, my kids actually love those things! You can still find them in some party shops or online stores. They have so much fun throwing them around, but it's crazy how they attract every bit of dirt in the house. 😆

3 months ago by StickyBandit90