My Encounter with the Shadow Man - Part 1

I first encountered the 'Shadow Man' when I was about eight years old.

Our family lived in an old Queen Anne style Victorian home at the time. I remember it was a fall afternoon and I was alone in my room, rolling my Matchbox cars across the wooden floorboards...

Suddenly, a strange feeling washed over me. You know that eerie sensation you get when you feel like you're being watched? That's what it was. I couldn't shake it off. So, I turned around... and there he was. A tall figure, standing next to my closet, devoid of any features... just a dark shadow.

I could see nothing but his form. He wasn't transparent like 'ghosts' you see in the movies. It was like looking at a shadow. But it was three-dimensional, if that makes sense. It was like a void in the room, a man-shaped void.

I remember standing frozen in fear, my heart pounding so wildly that I thought it might burst out of my chest...

I'll share more about my encounters with the 'Shadow Man' in my next post. Until then, keep the light on, fellows.

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by CryptKeeper


I know I should focus on the shadow man, but boy, your mention of living in a Queen Anne style Victorian house got me excited. I'd love to hear about the house more, if it doesn't interfere with your shadow man story.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by VictorianFreak


I don't know, man. Could it be you had an overactive imagination? Not saying that you're lying, but being a kid and all. Looking forward to part 2 though. Always love a good creepy story.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by HyperSkeptic


So, what you're saying is that you're afraid of your own shadow? LOL!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by NotMyRealName101


And here I was thinking I could casually browse r/nosleep before bed. Nope! Thanks, now I'll have one eye open all night, lol.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by SleeplessInSeattle


Sounds to me like you might have actually had a run-in with one of those Men in Black but your young mind tried to process it as a shadow figure. You know, those MIB are known to be lurking around where they aren't wanted. Stay bright, watch over your shoulder.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspirasyCathy


This sounds like a classic case of an encounter with a 'Shadow Person'. These entities are often seen in the corner of the eye and disappear when directly looked at. They're like shadows but with a more human form. The fact that it appeared near your closet could indicate that the closet could be a portal or a pathway for these entities to move between dimensions. Be careful and I advise not to agitate it by trying to make contact.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ShadowWhisperer


Holy crap, dude. I could barely finish reading this without peeing my pants. Can't wait for the next part, but also, kind of terrified! Anyway, stay safe!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ParanormalPam