Hey guys, a bit new to this subreddit and not sure if this is where I should post this, but I’ve got this old doll passed down from my granny and it's super creepy. I feel like it's watching me all the time like its eyes just follow me wherever I go in the room. Has anyone experienced something like this? What did you do? Really need some advice!!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Ghoulgirl97
This is just an illusion called Pareidolia. Our brains tend to find patterns, especially faces, where there are none. In the case of the doll, you're 'seeing' the eyes following you because that's what your brain is making you believe. Nothing to worry about.
Okay so this happened to me too. I had this old sailor doll that would sit in the corner of my room, and I tell you, its eyes would follow me no matter where I moved. It was freaky as hell. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore, started losing sleep over it. Decided to take it to the local Goodwill. Had to be someone else’s problem. Worst thing? Few weeks later I saw a similar sailor doll in the antique shop near my house. Almost lost it completely. Thankfully, was a different doll. But man the heart attack I had!
What you are experiencing, potentially, is a sort of psychological phenomenon. You're projecting your fears unto this doll. However, on the off-chance it is something spectral, I would suggest consulting a local medium or paranormal expert. Also, try sage! It's a typical method to bring peace to one's residence.
Man, that's creepy. When somethin' like that happens with me, I usually get rid of the thing. If it's too valuable or sentimental, maybe just cover it with a cloth? Like out of sight, out of mind kinda thing. Those old dolls can give ya the creeps.