There's something in my basement, help!!!

So I'm hearing these crazy sounds from my basement, like something scratching at the walls. I went and checked, but nothing's there? It's freaking me out guys, I don't even have a pet or anything. The weirdest thing is, I could swear I heard it growling earlier, like some sort of animal... WTF should I do??

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Shadowfanatic013


Bro, you probably think I'm going full Stephen King but... maybe it's some sort of Cryptid? You live near any caves or natural water bodies? Stuff like the chupacabra or skinwalkers have been rumoured to live near those. Stay safe, man!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by NoSleepChamp


OMG, sounds creepy af. I'm scared for you! Maybe call the police or animal control or something?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by AfraidToo


Dude!! You probably have a portal to Narnia in your basement or something and Aslan is pissed you haven't found it yet. 😂

11 months, 2 weeks ago by P3R3GR1N3


Did u know some ppl can hear the sound of electrical appliances? Maybe u have 'the hum'. It's this thing where ppl can hear a low-frequency hum in their homes. Google it!!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by HelpfulHaley


Ever think it's something... not of this realm? Now, I ain't saying it's aliens, but it could be a spiritual kinda thing - a poltergeist, or something similar. I'd say, try speaking to it, man. Be like, 'Hey, I ain't gonna harm you. Do your thing but just chill out with the scratches, would ya?'. Might sound crazy, but it could work.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by Eerie_Eric


Well, gonna shoot straight with ya man. It could be some kind of animal got in through a hole in the foundation or something. Raccoons, rats, could be anything really. Check it out properly...

11 months, 2 weeks ago by BasementExpert69


Dude, this sounds like you might have some paranormal entity at your place. Ever noticed anything weird before? Y'know - stuff moving on its own, strange shadows, inexplicable cold spots?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by xXx_SpookySeeker_xXx