My Roomba is a demon

Ok, this prob sounds dumb but swear my roomba's possessed or some sh*t. Turns on it's own in the middle of the night, starts bouncing off walls and stuff, all while beeping these creepy high-pitched sounds. Exorcism for roomba anyone? lmao

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by dontlaughbut


Not dumb at all! Maybe your home has some residual spiritual energy that your Roomba's picking up. Try not to disrespect any spirits and just politely ask it not to turn on at nights. If that doesn't help, better find a medium.

1 year, 4 months ago by GhoulishGladys


Mate, you sure you ain't watching too many horror flicks? Prolly just something stuck in its wheels. But a demon roomba does sound more exciting, I'll give you that. 😂

1 year, 4 months ago by NotYourAverageJoe


Sigh another case of artificial intelligence being misunderstood... Maybe it's trying to communicate? Remove the beeps, maybe you'll get a message from the beyond. 🤖

1 year, 4 months ago by RobotOverlord


Hahaha, someone's probably pranking yah! Or maybe it's the ghost of your previous roomba coming back for revenge. 👻

1 year, 4 months ago by Bryan_the_Troll


Eh, your roomba might just be in a weird energy vortex. Just use some sage, clear out the bad juju, and do a cleansing ritual. Or, y'know, call customer service. Either or.

1 year, 4 months ago by HerbLover666


Lol, scary things happen in the middle of the night, right? Your house might be haunted but your roomba being possessed by a demon would make one helluva 'nosleep' story. Keep us updated man!

1 year, 4 months ago by NoSleepAllDay


M8, sounds like it's stuck in some weird cycle. I'd suggest rebooting it completely - yeah like turn it off n on again lol. Also check if the sensors are clean, sometimes mine goes bonkers and it's just dust or something.

1 year, 4 months ago by SleepyTechie