does anyone else hear bangs @ night?

So like for the past week, every damn night, around 3AM I keep hearing these weird thuds from the downstairs. pretty freaky stuff bro. thought it was my cat at first but she's been with me in the bedroom all this time. i go check in the morning but nothing's outta place. what do u guys think??

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by 3AMThuds


Aliens, pal. They're among us and they love playing knock knock jokes at ungodly hours. 👽🛸

1 year, 4 months ago by SciFiStan


Ever heard of the 'Old Hag Syndrome' or 'Night marchers'? There's some freaky folklore around nighttime thuds and footsteps. Not saying it's that, but spooky to ponder, right?

1 year, 4 months ago by Sage_Of_Shadows


CHECK FOR INTRUDERS NOW. Better be safe than sorry. Set up some home security cams, it might just be burglars doing a reconnaissance.

1 year, 4 months ago by ParanoidPete


lmao, it's probably your mom having a midnight snack and trying not to wake everyone up. 🤣

1 year, 4 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Paranormal enthusiast here. 👻 Sounds like you could have a classic case of a ghostly phenomenon on your hands! The 3AM time stamp is a strong hint too. That's often referred to as the 'dead time' or the 'witching hour,' a time when barriers between our world and the spirit world are at their thinnest. Maybe try setting up a voice recorder or camera to see if you capture anything unusual? And stay safe, bro!

1 year, 4 months ago by GhoulishGary


Interesting. Have you considered Exploding Head Syndrome? It's a type of parasomnia that can cause a person to hear loud noises, like explosions or bangs, when falling asleep or waking up. The noises are imagined, but they seem very real and can be extremely frightening. And since it happens around 3AM, it aligns with the typical sleep cycles of the human body. Just something to consider.

1 year, 4 months ago by Dr_Sleepo


dude, same thing happened to me! only it was bangs in the attic, freaked the sh*t out of me 😱 turned out to be a family of raccoons. had to get pest control in n everything! you looked for signs of critters??

1 year, 4 months ago by curiousnoob21


So, you're hearing thuds, huh? Been there, man. Usually, it's nothing but pesky critters in the walls or roof, you got squirrels or something? No? Could be pipes, too, especially in old houses. but hey who knows, could be something paranormal. 3AM is supposed to be the witching hour n all 🤷‍♂️

1 year, 4 months ago by SpookyWatcher123