

Signs You've Unknowingly Summoned a Specter

Done a Quija board recently? Played the 'Charlie Charlie' game? Or simply moved to a new place with a history? Look, we've all been there - messing with things we shouldn't be messing with. Here's a telltale list that you might have unknowingly invited a spirit or a specter in …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by oncewasblind


My Roomba is a demon

Ok, this prob sounds dumb but swear my roomba's possessed or some sh*t. Turns on it's own in the middle of the night, starts bouncing off walls and stuff, all while beeping these creepy high-pitched sounds. Exorcism for roomba anyone? lmao
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by dontlaughbut


does anyone else hear bangs @ night?

So like for the past week, every damn night, around 3AM I keep hearing these weird thuds from the downstairs. pretty freaky stuff bro. thought it was my cat at first but she's been with me in the bedroom all this time. i go check in the morning but nothing's …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by 3AMThuds


Step-by-Step Guide: How to Survive a Night in The Krueger Mansion

So you've managed to snag an invitation to the dreaded Krueger Mansion. Congratulations, now you gotta survive the night. I've survived three, here's a rundown on how to get through. 1. **Arrival:** Once you’re at the estate, be sure to greet Krueger’s butler, Reggie. He’s a quirky character who’s been …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by PastMidnightFiends


help me... somethings in my house

So there's this...thing...in my house rn. Weird long and tall, can't really see it clearly. heard it's whispers first, thought it was just the wind but then i saw it in the hallway. scared as hell :( anyone else had this happen? wtf do I do!?
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by chillshadow2