lol you all really believe this stuff?

Ghosts, hauntings, creepy creatures of the night... Y'all know it's just stories, right? People making stuff up for kicks and scares. Ain't nothing out there in the dark that ain't there in the light. Bet half of you just have creaky houses and overactive imaginations haha

Submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollUnderUrBed


Stories are stories, right? But imagine if even one outta a thousand were true. Makes you wanna check under the bed twice, huh? Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs, or whatever else, bite.

6 months, 2 weeks ago by Captain_Cynic


While the majority of tales on here could be penned off as pure fiction for entertainment, there have been plenty of documented cases throughout history of unexplainable phenomena. Science doesn't have all the answers yet, and sometimes anecdotal evidence is all we have to go on when it comes to the paranormal. Keeps things open for discussion at least, doesn't it?

6 months, 2 weeks ago by Paranormal_Activity


To each their own, but some of us have encountered things that just can't be shrugged off as imagination. It's easy to be dismissive in the sunlight surrounded by the noise of daily life. At 3 AM, when something whispers your name from the darkness of your closet... is it still just an 'overactive imagination'? Maybe, maybe not.

6 months, 2 weeks ago by Xx_darkness_xX


No harm in a bit of fun storytelling, we all know deep down it's just fiction. But let's be real, it's the rush, the suspense, the not knowing that gets us all hooked on these tales. Bet you can't read the top stories here alone at night without second-guessing those 'creaky houses'.

6 months, 2 weeks ago by CommonSenseDave


Hey now, everything's got a bit of truth behind it, doesn't it? The stories we tell here might be fabrications to some, but who's to say there's not a sliver of reality in the mix? The world's a strange place, full of shadows and tales. Embrace the chill down your spine, it's just part of the fun. ;)

6 months, 2 weeks ago by GothGal666


lol I'm with you, can't believe people eat up this nonsense. I mean, come on, a demon under your bed? Get real 😆

6 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticTroll


I used to be a skeptic like you until I experienced something I couldn't explain. There's more to this world than what we see in the light of day. The stories here are more than just words; for some of us, they're memories. Try spending a night at a place known to be haunted and then say there's nothing out there.

6 months, 2 weeks ago by TrueBeliever101


Dude, gotta remember where you're at. This place is for the love of the spooky stuff, real or not! Keeps things interesting, don't it? 😉 But hey, who knows, maybe some stuff is real?

6 months, 2 weeks ago by MidnightCreeps