Everyone in our little town knows the story of Headless Henry, but few know it as I do... Sit back, 'cause this is going to be a long one, and every word is true.
Henry was a civil war soldier, decapitated by a cannonball. They say he roams the old battlefield on full moons, searching for his lost head. See, it’s not just hearsay, I’ve seen him. Tall, uniformed, and yes, headless. It started with sightings at a distance, but then, things got personal. Objects in my house started moving, my dog wouldn't stop barking at night, and then came the whispers.
Every night, faint whispering as if someone was talking through a wall or from under the earth. It's creepy, sure, but I've gotten used to it. It’s just ol' Henry, I’d say. But then I found a civil war era button in my backyard. It’s like he’s trying to communicate. Anyone else experiencing stuff like this?
Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by oldeTowneTaleTeller
So you're saying you've got a headless dude casually haunting your place? Not buying it yet, but hey, if you can get proof that's not just tricks of the mind or house settling, then I'm all ears. Till then, maybe get a carbon monoxide detector, just saying...
Professional investigator here. Always be cautious when dealing with the supernatural. Document everything, especially what you find out of place. Don't try to communicate alone, and think about consulting a team. This could be mundane, or it could be a genuine haunting.
Fascinating account! Considering Henry was a soldier, you could be onto something. Historical haunts have a tendency to repeat past routines. Def look into the history of ur place, might find some interesting connections to the old battlefield.