

Dora the Explorer Lost Episode

One day, I turned on the TV. I have been looking myself to watch Nick Jr. all day long, since I was on a school break, and I didn't have any homework or studying. But, when I turned it on, I saw a terrifying message. "Dora the Explorer - Dora's …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


The Legend of Headless Henry - A True account

Everyone in our little town knows the story of Headless Henry, but few know it as I do... Sit back, 'cause this is going to be a long one, and every word is true. Henry was a civil war soldier, decapitated by a cannonball. They say he roams the old …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by oldeTowneTaleTeller


Mirror in my new apartment is acting weird...

Just moved into this place n the mirror's been acting super weird. Like, I catch my reflection staring back at me even when I'm not looking directly at it?? And stuff's in the mirror that ain't in my room. A chair, a painting... but when I turn around, nothing. What's …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by CreepedOut99


Heard footsteps in my attic at exactly 3:33 am every night...

Guys, I seriously need some advice here. Every night, without fail, at *exactly* 3:33 am, I hear these heavy footsteps above my bedroom in the attic. I've checked it during the day, there's nothing there, not even a rat. Could this be something supernatural? It's freaking me out... It's like …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by fearfulMidnight


Experiences that can easily be debunked

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but has anyone considered that most of this can be debunked by science? Footsteps could be the house settling, the wind can sound like voices, and reflections in the mirror could be tricks of light or an optical illusion. I'm open to the idea of …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by RationalMind


I think my house is a hotspot for stranded spirits

I can't help but feel sorry for them, the lost souls that seem to be drawn to my home. It's like they're attracted to whatever energy is here. I hear their sighs, the faint sounds of movement, and even glimpses of apparitions. Does anyone else feel an overwhelming sense of …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Lost_Souls_R_Us


Understanding Spectral Apparitions: A Guide

What many fail to understand about ghosts is that they are simply energy imprints left on the environment. I've been investigating the paranormal for over 15 years, and I can assure you, specters are not to be feared but understood. When you encounter a ghost, take note of the temperature …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by IamWatchingYou


lol you all really believe this stuff?

Ghosts, hauntings, creepy creatures of the night... Y'all know it's just stories, right? People making stuff up for kicks and scares. Ain't nothing out there in the dark that ain't there in the light. Bet half of you just have creaky houses and overactive imaginations haha
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollUnderUrBed


The Haunting Melody of the Wind

I walk through the valleys of silence, the world asleep, yet I hear a lullaby. It's the wind, whispering secrets old as time. It touches my skin, goosebumps arise, not from cold but from knowing that the song it hums is for the lost souls. It carries their messages, tales …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by WhisperingWinds