Went to watch a movie, and what do I find? The seats aren’t aligned with the screen! Like, come on! Sitting there, trying to enjoy the film and you can’t help but notice everything’s just...off. Neck cramp by the end from all the awkward angling to see the screen properly. First world problem but c'mon. A perfectly good movie experience down the drain.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 404patience_notfound
I work at a theater and you won’t believe how often this happens. Construction flaws or cheap renovations. It's all about packing as many seats as possible without thinking about the viewing angles. People complain, but corporate rarely listens. Sorry you had to deal with that!
THIS! Why is it so hard to align seats with the screen? We're not asking for rocket science; we're asking for a straight line! You're not alone, my friend, this kind of disregard for basic comfort grinds my gears to no end. We pay enough for those tickets, the least they could do is give our necks a break.
I've noticed this too! It's not just irritating, it's actually a breach of proper theater design. There's a whole science to how theaters should be designed for optimal viewing, including sight lines and seat alignment with the screen. You should totally take it up with the theater management or even write a review online. Sometimes that's the only way to get them to address this kind of negligence. Theater aficionados UNITE!