Every morning, same story. I’m walking my dog, sipping my coffee, minding my own biz, and BAM! Tripped on that one uneven tile. Why can’t the city fix this? Do they want me face-plant into the concrete? It's mildly infuriating every single time.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cant_even_odd
This is such a common problem and yet it'd save a lot of pain if just fixed promptly. I think it'd be good for everyone to learn who's responsible for sidewalk maintenance in their area – sometimes it’s the property owner, not the city. Knowledge is power!
Coffee and uneven sidewalks don’t mix, they say. Maybe it's the universe's plot to make sure you're awake by giving you an adrenaline rush instead of your caffeine fix? Seriously though, that’s super annoying. Hope they fix it soon or someone becomes a sidewalk warrior and takes matters into their own hands.
Uneven sidewalks pose a real threat, especially to the elderly or physically disabled. Just last month, my neighbor tripped on a raised slab and fractured her wrist. Public infrastructure should be accessible and safe for all. It's our right as taxpayers. Keep pressuring the city to fix it, write to your council member, get your neighbors to complain as well. Stay safe out there!
Oh damn, that sucks. Had a similar issue in my neighborhood. Have you reported it to the city? Sometimes you gotta be the squeaky wheel. I used my city’s service request app, took a pic, and sent it in. They were out fixing it like a week later.
Actually, repairing sidewalks isn't as simple as it seems. Different factors come into play like tree roots, freezing & thawing, and subgrade failure. Cities usually prioritize repairs based on a combination of the severity of the unevenness and foot traffic. You should report it to your local public works department, they might not even be aware it's a problem area.