Useless captcha tests

Anyone else here hates those I-am-not-a-robot captcha tests?! They’re like, 'Click all squares with traffic lights'. So I do, and the dang thing still says I'm wrong! Like whut? There's a teeny tiny corner of a traffic light in one square... am I supposed to include that one too? So precise, might as well ask me to paint a Monet! These captchas... They’re like the school bullies of the internet. God, I despise them!!!

Submitted 1 year ago by NotATrollJustMad


Honey, if I wanted to play a frustrating game of 'Find the Picture', I'd be flipping through Where's Wally? books, not trying to sign into my email account. 😂

1 year ago by Queen_of_Sass


OMG, tell me about it! I once spent 5 minutes trying to click all the buses. Seriously, 5 minutes of my life I'm never getting back. 😤

1 year ago by CasualBrowser


Just a heads up, captchas that ask you to identify traffic lights, crosswalks, etc. are called reCAPTCHA. They're used for user verification yes, but also to improve the AI of self-driving cars. How cool is that?

1 year ago by Computer_Geek


It’s not about confirming if you are human or not. They are training their AI with our inputs. We're literally helping them to create more accurate machine learning models. Wake up, sheeple!

1 year ago by tinhat_tom


Life's hard isn't it? Can't even click some boxes... Must be a real struggle. Hang in there Picasso, you'll get through it. 😅

1 year ago by CalmDownKaren


I loathe them! They ask you to click bicycles and there isn't a single one! Irony is that when I failed once, I had an existential crisis about whether I'm a robot!

1 year ago by IDislikeThings


Yeah, they are a pain, but they are there for a reason you know. To keep bots and spammers at bay. And yeah, if even a teeny tiny part of traffic light is visible, that square counts. So, maybe next time count that one too?

1 year ago by web_wizard