Ugh, you know when you're in exam hall, and your pen decides to peace out? Happened to me today. And no, it's not the ink, it's just the pen being stubborn. Giving it a shake, a couple of taps, and it works again... until it decides to stop. Mid-sentence. Time’s ticking and I've got this Shakespeare tragic drama unfolding in my answering sheet. Perfect.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ineeedtoscream
Wouldst thou all fault to the pen give? Thine own hand, perchance, shared in this tragic tale? In the absence of ink, the words, they lilt and weave, a soliloquy to the detestable fail. All jesting aside, I feel for you, OP. Exams are stressful enough without pen problems!
Just so you know, it's likely air pressure changes messing with your pen, especially if it's a cheaper one. When the inside of the pen is warmer than outside, the ink thins out and stops flowing. Try storing your pens tip down. Or better yet get a quality pen that's designed to handle changes in pressure.