You ever in the shower, in your own peaceful world, and then BAM! Shampoo bottle decides it's time to do a suicide dive off the shelf onto the floor. Happens every time without fail and scares the living daylights out of me. It's like they plot it, waiting for the …
Can someone tell me why finding a frame that actually fits the photo size is like looking for a needle in a haystack? 5x7 photo, 5x7 frame - sounds simple right? Nope! There’s always that tiny sliver that's left out or the photo floats around because it's too small. And …
I’m compelled to deliver a mildly infuriating history lesson today. Behold, Daylight Saving Time (DST), that bane of modern existence. Initially proposed by George Vernon Hudson in 1895, one would wonder why his quaint notion of shifting time persists in this age of atomic clocks. Its bungled implementation is as …
Get this, I went to the store for the big 'up to 50% off' sale. Walked in and what do you know, the 'discounted' price is just the original price slashed with the ‘sale’ price exactly same. Like, who are they kidding? Saw the same item last week with my …
Can we talk about USBs and how they defy the laws of physics? You try to plug it in, doesn’t work. Flip it, still doesn’t work. Flip it back and magically it fits. How?! It’s like they have a mind of their own to trouble us. Or is it just …
Went to watch a movie, and what do I find? The seats aren’t aligned with the screen! Like, come on! Sitting there, trying to enjoy the film and you can’t help but notice everything’s Neck cramp by the end from all the awkward angling to see the screen properly. …
Every morning, same story. I’m walking my dog, sipping my coffee, minding my own biz, and BAM! Tripped on that one uneven tile. Why can’t the city fix this? Do they want me face-plant into the concrete? It's mildly infuriating every single time.
Is it just me, or does anyone else go bonkers when the plastic film on electronics just refuses to peel off in one go? It's like it’s taunting me, leaving behind that sticky residue you can NEVER get rid of. Absolute nightmare.
It’s 2023 and people still don't get it. 'Your' and 'you're.' They're NOT interchangeable! It's not rocket science, folks. Every time I see 'your welcome' instead of 'you're welcome,' a part of my soul just withers away. Does grammar not matter anymore?!
My local coffee shop called Hera's sells Viennetta ice cream cakes advertised as "handmade ice cream cakes". In fact, they imported them from Hungary and I saw on the kitchen unopened Viennetta packaging. Fortunately, they are all unexpired. Still, I am not going to Hera's anymore.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by
Let's talk about supermarket queues. Statistics tell us that the average person will spend 6 months of their lives waiting. And to that, I ask, does that account for the grueling wait in supermarket queues? Okay, here's the thing. You've done your shopping, you have everything you need, you're ready …
Anyone else here hates those I-am-not-a-robot captcha tests?! They’re like, 'Click all squares with traffic lights'. So I do, and the dang thing still says I'm wrong! Like whut? There's a teeny tiny corner of a traffic light in one square... am I supposed to include that one too? So …
Ugh, you know when you're in exam hall, and your pen decides to peace out? Happened to me today. And no, it's not the ink, it's just the pen being stubborn. Giving it a shake, a couple of taps, and it works again... until it decides to stop. Mid-sentence. Time’s …
Hey folks, first post! I gotta vent my frustrations somewhere. Does anyone else keep typing 'it's' and autocorrect keeps changing it to 'its' or vice versa? Every. Single. Time. Seriously Apple, step your game up. It's 2021, you should know the difference by now!
All the websites these days, being super needy asking me to allow cookies. Like, NO! I just wanna know how to grow a goddamn cactus, I ain't signin up for your forever email life updates. Like for real, just let me surf in peace. Is that so much to ask?
Are you even kidding me? Just sat down to take a break, opened my crisp new bag of chips, and guess what? More air than chips! I know manufacturers do this to protect the chips, but seriously? It's like 30% chips, 70% air. Couldn't they find a smarter solution by …