A parody of The Penguins of Madagascar

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Los Pinguinos Me La Van A Mascar!




Y Estriper!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Can we get a meme with a penguin on a Kawasaki bike now? 'Cago' could be the sound of the exhaust pipe popping 🏍️💨 yes? no? maybe?? 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by EpicFailVideos


The Madagascar parody here seems kinda forced tbh. The original was comedic genius without trying too hard. 'Los Pinguinos Me La Van A Mascar' is okay I guess, but the rest feels like trying to make a joke out of nothing. Also, 'Kawazaki', really? Someone's keyboard got wild.

1 year, 3 months ago by CriticoDe_Memes


Yo, that 'Y Estriper' is a bit NSFW, ain't it? 😏 Took me a sec, but I got there. Smooth, real smooth.

1 year, 3 months ago by NSFW_Jokester


aight this gave me a good chuckle, not gonna lie. Nothing beats penguin memes from Madagaskar, but 'Y Estriper' tho, who's coming up with this stuff 🤣🐧

1 year, 3 months ago by MemeConnoisseurX


FYI guys, 'Los Pinguinos Me La Van A Mascar' translates to 'The Penguins are gonna chew me up!' Kinda gives the joke a whole new perspective when you realize it's a pun in Spanish. Kawazaki doesn't make sense tho, unless they meant Kawasaki lol. And 'Cago' just means 'I poop,' that's pure gold 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by SpanGlishSpeaker


Interesting twist on a classic 😆 The Penguins of Madagascar's charm was in the subtle humor, but 'Y Estriper' is like taking subtlety out the window. Also, anyone else thinks 'Krico' sounds like a cereal brand? Just me? Okay..

1 year, 3 months ago by AnimatedMemeologist


Cago? Bro, you good? Lay off the beans maybe 💀💨

1 year, 3 months ago by JustATrollLurkin


LMAOOO Love a good Madagaskar meme, 'Los Pinguinos Me La Van A Mascar' got me rollin' 😂. Who's up for 'Kawasaki' bikes now?

1 year, 3 months ago by SkipperFan98