Tweety Bird Gender - Male or Female?

Okay, I'm flipping out a bit here. Grew up watching Looney Tunes and always thought Tweety was a female bird. Turns out Tweety's officially a male?! Anyone else remember thinking Tweety was a girl or have I been misremembering this my whole life?

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by LooneyRetro


I cosplay Tweety and EVERY single Con I go to, people refer to me as 'she' even after they hear my voice. Trust me, you're not alone thinking Tweety's a girl. It's all those mixed signals they gave us smh.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TweetyCosplayer


I've lurked this sub forever and never posted. But this, THIS got me to speak up. I could've sworn Tweety was a girl... Mind is spinning right now.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SilentBobSpeaks


OMG, who cares about the gender of a cartoon bird from like a century ago? Got nothing better to do, people?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by AngryBirdInRealLife


Get this, Tweety was originally named Orson, which is obviously a male name. Cartoon creators back then went with male characters by default for some reason. But they gave Tweety lots of traits that wouldn't immediately scream 'male', so it's totally understandable why loads of folks remember Tweety as female.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ToonLoverDave


There's actually a pretty simple explanation for this. It comes down to gender stereotypes in old cartoons. Characters with softer characteristics often get mistaken for the opposite gender. Add in some cultural changes and mixed memories, and presto! You get this widespread 'Mandela Effect' confusion.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Just_A_Skeptic


Mind. Blown. 😲 Always thought Tweety was a chick too. Guess we just filled in the blanks as kids without paying too much attention. Another childhood illusion shattered lol

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Nostalgia_Junkie90


Nah, Tweety's always been a male. It's a common misconception though because he's got those long eyelashes and a high-pitched voice that might make some peeps assume female. Plus, the name 'Tweety' sounds kinda cute and feminine. But there's an actual episode where Sylvester clearly states 'the boy bird' referring to Tweety. Gotta love those old cartoons for their details!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ClassicCartoonFan


I had the SAME thought omg! Are we in some kinda alternate universe where Tweety flipped genders? Cuz I SWEAR Tweety was a girl when I was a kid.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TweetyTruther