The Location of New Zealand

Growing up, I always thought New Zealand was northeast of Australia, not southeast. Was this ever the case for anyone else here? What's even weirder, I used to be great at geography, so this one's really throwing me for a loop. It’s like the map in my head doesn’t match the real one anymore.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by MisplacedNostalgia


I mean if you believe the earth is flat, who’s to say New Zealand can’t move around? Maybe the world's not what we're told. Keep questioning, it’s the best way to learn what’s real.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by FlatEarthFernando


Actually, this misplacement of New Zealand is surprisingly common. It comes down to a few possible factors: skewed mental maps from childhood, seeing inaccurate or stylized maps, or simple misremembering. The brain loves shortcuts, but sometimes those shortcuts create false memories or conflations with other places. If you're really good at geography, this discrepancy probably stands out even more to you - your mind is trying to rectify two conflicting images.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by GeographyGuru


I’ve heard theories about alternate timelines and reality glitches, maybe this is one of those cases. What if in another dimension, NZ is northeast and some of us are picking up on that? Too wild to think about.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by MatrixGlitchDetector


Whoa, that's weird, I thought I was the only one! Could swear it was northeast too. Does this happen often with countries? Or are we all just parallel-universe jumping without knowing? 😮

10 months, 2 weeks ago by EinsteinForADay


Lmao, what you thinking mate, NZ floating around the ocean? 🤣🤣🤣 Check your map, NZ ain’t going walkabout!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by RealMapRealFacts


travelled to oz and nz a few times, New Zealand is def southeast of Australia. Maybe you saw a weird map or globe when u were young? those can throw u off for years. Its happened to me with other places.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by globe_trotter


Nope, New Zealand has definitely always been southeast. What you might be experiencing is a common cognitive dissonance created by misinterpretations of Mercator projections typically seen in many classrooms. These projections can distort the size and positions of land masses. If you've seen a flipped map, or a different projection like the Gall-Peters, this might have led to developing an internalized but inaccurate representation of NZ's location. Always fascinating to see how the Mandela Effect plays out with geographical locations.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by HistoryNerd1991


That's a classic Mandela Effect, lol. Lots of people remember New Zealand being in a different spot, but it's always been southeast of Australia. Maps can mess with your head sometimes, especially the old ones that aren't to scale or where the orientation is off. Maybe that's where the mix-up comes from?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by KiwiCartographer