Mongol Empire size - Am I misremembering?

So check this, in HS history class i CLEARLY remember learning the Mongol Empire was the biggest empire in terms of land. now I read somewhere it was actually the British Empire?? How can such a fact change, are textbooks getting it wrong now or what?! This is some big Mandela stuff happening right here.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Historical_Misfit


mongol empire was biggest in land back in the day. british empire was biggest overall later on. just different times, different empires. no biggie.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by QuickFactsJack


Sometimes I wish I could've seen the Mongol horde in action, you know? Largest contiguous empire just has a certain ring to it. But yeah, British Empire got more square miles under the crown, even if it was all over the place. No Mandela magic here, just plain old historical fact.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by PastGlory


Always question what 'now you read somewhere.' There's a lot of misinformation out there. I recommend looking at several history sources and comparing. British Empire was indeed vaster, but the Mongol Empire's impact and size for its time was unparalleled.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TruthSeeker101


Yeah, I remember the same thing in school. But later learned that it's about how you measure size. Mongol was biggest if you only consider land-connected empire, but British wins if you count total control even if it's separated by oceans. No Mandela effect, just tricky history facts.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by EmpireEnthusiast


The notion of the largest empire can indeed be quite perplexing considering the numerous ways one might quantify the term 'largest'. The Mongol Empire at its zenith under Genghis Khan and his successors undoubtedly held the most extensive contiguous landmass under a singular rule, facilitating an era of unprecedented connectivity termed the 'Pax Mongolica'. In contrast, by the zenith of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the British Empire, through a combination of colonial conquest, economic influence, and maritime domination, accumulated non-contiguous territories that, in summation, exceeded the land area under Mongol dominion. Such facts are subject to the interpretation which educational institutions convey based on the curricular focus. It would behoove individuals to consider this when grappling with such historical discrepancies.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TheTomeReader


lol mate, ur just wrong. British empire was the one with all the colonies around the world. sorry to burst ur mandela bubble.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by GruntyThug


not so fast! we're assuming history hasn't been altered or our perception hasn't been messed with. I'd say double-check multiple sources. If all of them say British Empire now, then yeah, it might be a Mandela thing after all. Who knows what's going on these days with the info we're fed.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by MandelaMindFreak


So here's the deal, the Mongol Empire was indeed massive, stretching from Eastern Europe all the way to East Asia at its peak, which made it the largest contiguous land empire. But the British Empire, although not contiguous, ultimately came to control more land across all continents, making it the largest empire in history by sheer size of the territories it held. It's not Mandela Effect, it's just different ways of measuring empires.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by HistoricalHank