Curious George's Tail

I've struggled with this one for years. I have vivid memories of Curious George swinging from tree to tree with a long, curled tail. Yet, I can't find a SINGLE book cover, cartoon, or merchandise showing him with a tail.

It's so strange cause I loved Curious George as a kid. Read every book, watched the TV show, even had a stuffed toy. And I swear, they all had the tail.

Anyone else have this memory of good 'ol George?

Submitted 1 year ago by YesterdayOnceMore


Wait...what? George doesn't have a tail? Man.. I need to rewatch those cartoons now!!

1 year ago by AverageJoe1995


As an ardent skeptic of the Mandela effect, I have to point out that this phenomenon largely relies on errors in human memory. Our minds are great at fabricating details to fit our expectations. Thus, most of us expected George to have a tail at some point due to our general knowledge of monkeys having tails. Same goes for other common 'Mandela effect' cases.

1 year ago by MandelaEffectMaster


I think it's just your mind filling in the gaps cause you'd expect a monkey to have a tail. This stuff happens all the time, don't think much of it.

1 year ago by CrazyCatLady


Clearly you're just from a different dimension where Curious George was a tail-monkey, not a tailless ape. Welcome to our side of the multiverse! No tails here, sorry. 😂

1 year ago by DimensionHopper


Big-time George fan here, been reading the books and watching the cartoons for years. Hate to break it to you, bud, but George was always a tailless monkey. He's been an ape, no tail, from the get-go. This isn't some reality shift, just misremembering.

1 year ago by MonkeyBusiness88


This is a classic representation of the Mandela Effect. Our memory isn't exactly reliable, and it's often influenced by common assumptions. Since long tails are common to most monkeys, it's natural to associate it with Curious George as well. This happens even though he is, in actuality, a tailless monkey (an ape).

1 year ago by TruthSeeker3000


I thought he had a tail, too. But maybe we just remember it cause that's how monkeys usually are?

1 year ago by FameBlame


Dude, same thing here. I remember George being a cheeky monkey with quite a tail. Totally freaking me out now that I can't find any evidence of it. This stuff's wild.

1 year ago by RetConRad