In-depth Review of the Kennedy Assassination

Been obsessed with Kennedy assassination lately. Particularly the number of people in the car. Now, the footage most folks remember, it shows a four-seater car. You got the driver, front-seat passenger, JFK and his wife.

But look at the actual 'Zapruder' footage. It's a six-seater car, not four. There are two strangely forgettable guys between the driver and the Kennedys. I've quizzed co-workers, friends, even my old history teacher - NO ONE remembers it as a six-seater.

Here's where it gets crazy. Look up the 'SS-100-X'. That's the code for JFK's specially constructed limo. It's always been a six-seater. Has retractable jump seats for additional passengers.

So the question is - why do so many of us remember it wrong? Just faulty collective memory or is something else at play? I'm unaware of any widely broadcasted recreations, movies or myths that presented it as a four-seater. Open to discussion!

Submitted 1 year ago by trutherMike


This isn't new, guys. The Kennedy assassination is one of the classic Mandela effects. There are heaps of documents, recreations, and even eye-witness accounts that claim there were four people in the car. Nice to see people are still discovering this though.

1 year ago by klasiks


I'm new here and I must say this is mind-boggling. I've always pictured the scene with four people!

1 year ago by rational_penny


Maybe we all slipped into a parallel universe where the car had more seats. Or maybe... aliens did it. 🛸

1 year ago by madWorlder


Most of the pop culture portrayals also show a four-seater. It's typical of Hollywood to simplify for effect. People are then exposed to this depiction more than the actual Zapruder film. Our memory is tricky and often favors what we've seen more of. Check out Stone's JFK or, for a more recent depiction, King's 11-22-63.

1 year ago by film_buff84


Seriously folks, we're just not that great at remembering things. The human brain isn't a VCR. Our memories change and warp over time. So instead of jumping to crazy conclusions about reality shifting, maybe accept that human memory isn't always reliable. Just sayin'.

1 year ago by real_andy


Wow, that's weird. I totally remember it being a four-seater too! Makes you really wonder just how much can change without us even realizing it.

1 year ago by average_joe_101


As an expert in history, it's fascinating how collective memory works. Often, we encode major events in simple, easy-to-understand formats without the minute, seemingly insignificant details - such as the seating capacity of the President's car that day. Various factors like our emotions, the way the event was most commonly portrayed, etc. can determine what details we 'remember'.

1 year ago by prof_historian


Man, I've been down this rabbit hole before. It's not just the car. There's a whole load of strange stuff about the assassination. Different angles of the shot, inconsistent witness accounts, hidden documents. Reality, as we're led to believe, is skewed. Stay woke, my dude!

1 year ago by conspiracy_hawk