I remember seeing the title card for Augie Doggie and Doggy Daddy retitled "Angie Doggies and Doggy Daddy". Is it me or am I dreaming the Mandela effect?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by
lol u guys debating if fruit loops was once ‘froot loops’ or vice versa. maybe ur brain's just loopy. ever considered that? who cares, it’s just cereal, not some conspiracy. go figure out a real problem like why my socks keep disappearing from the dryer, that's the real mystery 😂
Okay, I'm flipping out a bit here. Grew up watching Looney Tunes and always thought Tweety was a female bird. Turns out Tweety's officially a male?! Anyone *else* remember thinking Tweety was a girl or have I been misremembering this my whole life?
Here to stir the pot a bit. I always remembered the Challenger space shuttle blowing up in 1984, but records say 1986. Others around me seem split on the year too. Before we jump on the Mandela bandwagon, could it be that big events like this get cloudy over time? …
Growing up, I always thought New Zealand was northeast of Australia, not southeast. Was this ever the case for anyone else here? What's even weirder, I used to be great at geography, so this one's really throwing me for a loop. It’s like the map in my head doesn’t match …
Alright, Mandela effect got me spinning; since when did Mr. Monopoly not have a monocle? I can picture the dude with it so clearly, this is messing with me big time. Anybody got the same memory or am I alone in this? Feels unreal, man...
This is bugging me more than it should, but why does everyone keep saying 'Luke, I am your father' when Vader never actually says 'Luke'? HE SAYS 'No, I am your father'. It’s all wrong in memes, t-shirts, you name it. Does this grind anyone else’s gears or is it …
Listen up folks, let's get deep for a sec. What if Mandela Effects are actually signs of alternate realities? Think multiverse theory but crossing wires with our own. Some say it's just misremembering, sure, but TOO many people experience the same 'false' memories. Coincidence? I think not. Discuss.
I’ve been digging through my attic and I FOUND IT. A Berenstein Bears book, clear as day, spelled with an 'E' not an 'A'. Took photos and everything. They wont fool us, our memories are REAL. Anyone else got physical proof like this?
So check this, in HS history class i CLEARLY remember learning the Mongol Empire was the biggest empire in terms of land. now I read somewhere it was actually the British Empire?? How can such a fact change, are textbooks getting it wrong now or what?! This is some big …
y'all remember when kit-kats had that lil dash between the words?? now its just 'KitKat' smushed together. nobody else seems to recall the dash but i swear it was there. My whole childhood's a lie or what?
I've struggled with this one for years. I have vivid memories of Curious George swinging from tree to tree with a long, curled tail. Yet, I can't find a SINGLE book cover, cartoon, or merchandise showing him with a tail. It's so strange cause I loved Curious George as a …
Yo, who remembers drinking Peppy as a kid? Pfft, nah just kidding. Got ya though, didn't I? What if I told you it was always Peppy? :D Just pullin' your leg man. Keep on Mandela-ing!
Need help y'all. Always remembered that movie as 'Interviews of the Vampires'. Now checked Netflix and it's 'Interview with the Vampire'. Am I crazy or did it change?
Been obsessed with Kennedy assassination lately. Particularly the number of people in the car. Now, the footage most folks remember, it shows a four-seater car. You got the driver, front-seat passenger, JFK and his wife. But look at the actual 'Zapruder' footage. It's a six-seater car, not four. There are …
guys, remember when pikachu had a black tip on his tail?! Swear to god, me and my sis remember it clear as day. But Google'd it and no black tip. anyone else remember this or r we just trippin?