"Gather 'Round" - Lost Channel 4 Kids Series

In 2001, Channel 4 created a children's series called Gather 'Round in which a city called "Round Town", created by mature kids, would be shown on screen. The series didn't have any dialogue (1 episode did have dialogue, but it was pure gibberish and was barely heard due to the narrator), only live action footage while an off-screen narrator (voiced by Bernard Cribbins) explained what would happen in the show. I remember seeing this show sometime during 2003 and 2004, and I think the series lasted for 6 seasons and ended in 2007. Even after many attempts to find the series, only a single image of the show has been resurfaced (albeit with a watermark for UKids.com, a closed website from Ireland). I remember the show having a Persian dub that aired on YouTube, but got delisted sometime in 2019, making the whole show fully lost asides from an image.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


never heard of this show before, is it that big of a deal? sounds like one of those quirky kids shows that was prob weird on purpose. its kinda cool how there's a community for tracking down shows like this though

1 year, 1 month ago by JustSomeKid_92


Anybody checked charity shops or car boot sales? Some of these old tapes turn up in the wildest places. Been scouring eBay myself for anything, but no cigar yet. I'll keep an eye out though and let y'all know if something pops up!

1 year, 1 month ago by VHSVaultHunter


It's really tragic when shows like Gather 'Round fall into obscurity and become lost media. Makes ya think about all the other shows we might be losing without realising... I did hear rumor of a private collector in Bristol who collects stuff like this, anyone got any deets on that?

1 year, 1 month ago by Channel4junkie


I actually uploaded the Persian dubs on YT! never thought they'd be so crucial for preservation. got a strike for copyright stuff so had to delete them, still kick myself for not keeping backups somewhere. If I'd known they'd be completely lost, I would've kept them up danger be damned!

1 year, 1 month ago by ukid2001


lol probably nobody really watched it and everyone's just pretending they remember it to seem cool. a show with no dialogue but gibberish? sounds like a fever dream from too much cheese m8

1 year, 1 month ago by Trollin4Laughs


Bernard Cribbins was such an iconic narrator for the show! His voice was legit the only thing I remember clearly. Not even sure if I actually liked the show or just his narration lmao

1 year, 1 month ago by BernardFan_04


Hey everyone! For fans of Gather 'Round, I've been compiling a list of possible leads, like old broadcasting schedules, former Channel 4 employee testimonials, and even reaching out to UK universities for their media archives. If anyone remembers which production company was in charge, maybe we can petition for a release or hunt down any surviving master tapes - sometimes these things are sitting in a warehouse collecting dust. Let's not give up yet!

1 year, 1 month ago by MediaSleuth101


omg Gather 'Round brings back memories! i remember coming back from school and watching it with my siblings. can't believe it's considered lost media now... would LOVE to watch it again for the nostalgia trip. sucks about the Persian dubs getting delisted, that could have been our last hope 😔

1 year, 1 month ago by roundtownranger