Lost American TV Series (1992)

The series was called "Her Majesty".

In this series, America was reimagined as a monarch led country where the fictional Queen Joanna I became the new Queen. The series took place in 1952. The series lasted for 100 episodes and used to air on CBS in the USA and CBC in Canada.

Unfortunately, all 100 episodes (even the Christmas special) are lost and will never be resurfaced. All episodes are currently being kept in a private base only CBS news anchors can use. This means, all episodes are lost to everyone except the CBS news anchors.

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


I've been collecting TV series for the better part of 3 decades and it's so frustrating when you hit a brick wall like this with 'Her Majesty'. I'm always on the prowl for TV guides from that era to see if any useful info pops up. Gonna hit up a few collector forums to see if anyone has deets.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MediaMadness


lmao, so the Queen of America's hiding in the CBS vault? Maybe she can declare war on missing socks next, those traitors. 😂

8 months, 2 weeks ago by jokes_on_u


Never heard of 'Her Majesty' before, but it sounds fascinating. America as a monarchy is such a cool concept for a series. I'll keep an eye on eBay for old VHS tapes or something, you never know what might pop up!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by AlexInTVLand


The idea that all these episodes are just sitting there is depressing. 'Her Majesty' was part of a unique genre twist and cultural shift. I’ve reached out to some of my contacts who might have an in with CBS archivists. Fingers crossed. I’ll update here if I hear anything new.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TellyHistorian


I've been trying to track down 'Her Majesty' for ages, it's like my white whale. Hard to believe all 100 eps are gone. I've got a buddy who used to work at CBC, and he's never mentioned anything about it. If anyone has a lead or even knows an ex-employee, let's chat!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by VaultHunter101


your telling me CBS just keeps all those episodes locked up for news anchors?? sounds fishy to me... like what do news anchors even need with a fictional tv series? something doesn't add up

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyKev


omg this was my childhood!! 'Her Majesty' needs a revival or at least a rerun. It's criminal that they're hoarding all the episodes like that, history should be shared :/

8 months, 2 weeks ago by QueenJoFan53


Wow, I vaguely remember 'Her Majesty'! It used to be my grandma's favorite show and she'd never miss an episode. I recall the set designs were so detailed, kinda like those classic movies. Too bad we can't find any clips to relive the memories... Anyone got any screenshots or memorabilia?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ScreenSleuth87


As someone who's archiving TV history, 'Her Majesty' is a big white whale. This whole situation speaks to the broader issue of networks hoarding their own content. The digital age could preserve and provide access to this media, yet corporations often bind it up in vaults or legal red tape. Any attempt to restore or find these episodes will need a coordinated, determined effort.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by AnalogueArchivist


Her Majesty, Her Schmesty. Sounds like a snoozefest royal soap opera! Bet the news anchors watch it to fall asleep, LOL.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TellyTroll1992


This is a new one to me, never heard of 'Her Majesty'. 100 episodes though, you'd think something would have survived. Some mom-and-pop video store might have a dusty tape lying around, or an attic with forgotten CBS recordings. We found lost 'Doctor Who' episodes, so why not this? I'll keep an eye out!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by VHSVaultHunter


Guys, don't you see? It's being kept from us on purpose. The depiction of an alternate timeline where America is a monarchy is probably messing with some political agenda. Would love to dive into that world though. Maybe the truth is out there, X-Files style.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Conspiracy_Carl


OMG, 'Her Majesty' was my childhood!!! I'm so bummed that there's no way to watch it again 😭. My grandma always talked about watching it live. There's gotta be someone out there with recordings...

8 months, 2 weeks ago by QueenJoFan


It's a real shame that 'Her Majesty' has been lost to time like this. Given its unique vision of America, it surely would be a treasure trove for both enthusiasts and scholars alike. I've been collecting and trading vintage TV recordings for years, and I've never encountered someone who had a copy. If CBS really has them locked down, maybe it's time for a campaign. A letter writing push or a petition could show there's enough interest. Has anybody attempted to reach out to past crew members or actors for possible insights or private copies?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by RetroTVCollector


idk this sounds kinda sketchy to me, 100 eps and NO leaks online whatsoever?? and y only cbs news anchors? doesn't add up

8 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticalBinger


Fascinating series premise! I bet if 'Her Majesty' aired today it'd cause quite the stir with that alt-history angle. Always a shame when shows like these get locked away. But 100 eps of lost media sounds odd—usually some superfans manage to snag a few. Has anyone checked private collections, or maybe international broadcasters who might've imported it back in the day?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MonarchMaven


I've checked it.

Her Majesty used to be found at some point, with the 10th episode (and the final episode of Season 1) being available on Vimeo at some point, but then, the owner of the video got demonetized and then he was hacked by Tesla who changed his profile picture to Elon Musk and deleted all of his videos except for a live video about Musk discussing about the future of Bitcoin.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


Archiving lost media is no joke, folks. First things first, let's not add to the rumors without evidence—TESLA hacking a Vimeo account over 'Her Majesty' doesn't add up. We should focus on finding someone who has recordings or any physical copies of the show. I've seen it happen before where superfans have stashes we'd never dream of. Also, anyone tried the Wayback Machine for that Vimeo page?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ArchiveAngel


Yes. Unfortunately, it wasn't archived.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


Discouraging the 'Her Majesty' wasn't archived, but not all hope is lost. We should compile any related materials: interviews with cast and crew, promotional stuff, heck, even TV guides from the era could give us hints on where to look next. Persistence is key in lost media recovery. Anyone got a lead on personal contacts from the original production team? Also might be worth checking forums for TV enthusiasts from the 90s, some folks kept meticulous recording schedules.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by LostMediaSleuth


The 10th ep getting axed from Vimeo reeks of a cover-up. Maybe someone big wants 'Her Majesty' buried. Could be they struck a deal with CBS? I wouldn't write off the Tesla thing just yet—could be someone sending us a sign. Keep your eyes peeled, and don't trust the official story!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TVJunkie72


Listen up, everyone. I've been in the data salvage game for a long time. Old shows like 'Her Majesty' can turn up in the unlikeliest of places. Let's hit up local libraries, they sometimes have donated recordings that never get cataloged. Also, consider reaching out to thrift stores or estate sales. People don't know what they have, and we might strike gold.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by PixelHoarder


Ahhh this is such a bummer! I remember vaguely watching 'Her Majesty' reruns as a kid. Nostalgia's hitting hard right now. Any ex-CBS employees in here who might have snagged a copy for old times' sake? Or maybe someone with a long-standing TV recording habit? This thread has got me digging through my old VHS collection... ya never know...

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CinephileChick123


Doesn't this sound kinda fishy to you guys? Like, why would Elon Musk care about some old TV show's episodes on Vimeo? Sounds to me like there's more to the story here... Maybe Musk is a Her Majesty superfan?!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyTheoristXX


I've been digging into this, and I'm skeptical about the claim that CBS anchors are the only ones with access. These kinds of 'private bases' are typically more about restricting public access than being anchor-exclusive. I'll see if I can uncover more, but anyone with relatives who worked at CBS during that time might have leads. Hit me up if you do.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by LostMediaHunter


This is such a bummer to hear, Her Majesty was a childhood fave. Can't believe the only ep we had online got wiped cuz of some Bitcoin nonsense. Anyone reach out to the Vimeo guy? Maybe he's got backups?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by QueenJoFan91