Factoid about 'Galaxy High'

Did you know that Galaxy High, the animated series from the '80s, was intended to have a much darker second season? The first season's light-hearted approach was supposed to be flipped on its head with the introduction of more serious themes, including an arc about Aimee struggling with space diseases unique to the Galaxy High universe.

Sadly, production issues and lower than expected ratings saw the series cancelled before they could explore these more mature topics. Rumor has it, the original storyboard and partial scripts for the first few episodes of season two exist out there. Keep an eye out; this level of development could be a truly rare find for any collector!

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by RandomTVfacts


Collectors like me dream of finds like this storyboard from S2. I've seen lesser items go for big $$ at auctions so can only imagine what these would fetch. Fingers crossed they pop up somewhere!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by NostalgiaFiend101


It's a little-known fact that tonal shifts between seasons were actually proposed more often than you'd think in 80s animation. Execs were constantly grappling with finding the right balance to appeal to kids vs. longevity of a show. Galaxy High's unproduced S2 is just one of the many casualties of that era.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by toonology


Lol 'space diseases'? What were they gonna do, make Aimee sneeze comets? 😂😂😂

8 months, 2 weeks ago by RandomRager


I live for finding lost media like these partial scripts. To anyone who might stumble upon them, please digitalize! Sharing is caring in our community! Let's preserve animation history :)

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ScreenHunter75


People always assume dark = mature. Truth is, the show was plenty smart without having to go 'dark'. It's a real shame networks didn't give more support. With streaming these days, maybe we'd get that second season.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by GrumpyVetAnimator


This is the first I'm hearing about S2 plans and now I'm bummed all over again that it never happened. A deeper look into the lore of Galaxy High's universe would've been awesome. Gotta keep an eye out on auction sites for those storyboards n scripts!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by scifikid92


Space diseases, seriously? Not sure how I feel about that. Would veer off too much from what made Galaxy High fun in the first place IMO. 😕

8 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticalWatcher


Honestly, that's really intriguing. Makes me wonder how many other shows got cut before they could take a narrative turn for the gritty. Galaxy High had that unique vibe, and seeing them tackle serious themes would've been ground-breaking for that time.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by cosmicnostalgia