yo ello, help a brother out? Just remembered this old toon from like the late 80s?? It was called 'Jungle Jim's Jungle Jam', it had talking animals and stuff, and Jim was this explorer dude who was always chill. It vanished after a season and nobody ever talks about it. My cousin and I used to watch it non-stop. The theme song slaps but it's impossible to find online. Help me out if you got any vids or even remember it. Cheers!
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ToonTracker99
Heard of this infamous 'lost series,' so I took the liberty to do some quick searches. There's surprisingly little out there. Best bet is def looking for anyone who might have home recordings. Back in the '80s a lot of people started owning VCRs, so it's possible someone, somewhere, has some episodes. If you do find something, remember to share with the community! We all wanna revive those lost classics.
Oh man, 'Jungle Jim's Jungle Jam'! It totally rings a bell. Didn't that show have an elephant that sounded like it was always on the verge of a existential crisis? Lol, been on the hunt for that show too, no luck. Let us know if you find anything pls, I've got some old toon forums bookmarked and might ask around for ya.
You're actually talking about a pretty rare piece of animation history. Jungle Jim's had a super short run and wasn't widely syndicated which means not much of it exists out there. Your best bet is contacting animation collectors or checking out animation forums beyond Reddit. There are a few dedicated ones with users who hoard rare series like dragons with treasure. Be patient and someone might just upload a recording or two.
Hey, I actually specialize in archiving old TV shows and I remember 'Jungle Jim’s Jungle Jam'. Not many copies floated around because it was a bit of a flop, sad to say. I'll take a look in my collection this weekend—no promises, but if I find anything I’ll shoot you a PM. Keep tabs on obscure online auctions too; tapes show up in the weirdest places.
Dude, Jungle Jim's Jungle Jam was my childhood! Haven't seen it in years, but now that you mention it, I'm getting flashbacks of the theme song. Can't help you with finding the videos, but I'm def gonna dig around now, need that nostalgia hit! Good luck man, hope you find it!