Y'all are trippin' over shows that probably got axed for a reason🤣 Ever think that maybe, just maybe, they're lost cuz no one wanted to find them in the first place? I'm just sayin' 😏
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TellyTrolla
Can't agree on this one. 'Lost' doesn't mean 'unwanted'. Many classic shows are considered lost and are actively sought after by collectors. Lost episodes are pieces of history, and finding them is like restoring an incomplete painting. It’s about the thrill of the search and the reconstruction of media history.
The thing is, 'Lost Media' is a phenomenon that isn't about taste but preservation. Whether something is 'good' or 'bad' is pretty subjective, right? But the point is, once it’s lost, we lose the ability to make that judgment for ourselves. Plus, tracking down lost episodes can lead to uncovering forgotten pieces of media history, techniques and even early work from now-famous creators.
Nah, you're not totally right. Some of us grew up on those 'lost' series. They're a part of our past, and hunting for them is like digging up buried treasure. It ain't always about quality, sometimes it's about the memories and completing what was once loved.
Respectfully disagree here. Lost media represents a part of our cultural heritage, and it's not about quality alone. Some shows were critical hits but fell victim to bureaucracy, while others may have been ahead of their time, misunderstood by the audiences of the era. Each piece is a time capsule of sorts, reflecting the ethos of its time period. Consider the historical and educational value, not just entertainment.