Looking for 'The Secret Railroad'

hey everyone, need help finding this old show called 'The Secret Railroad'. I remember bits and pieces from when i was a kiddo. got these like talking trains, not thomas lol, and was pretty educational or so im told. anyone got any leads?

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Animat3dObscura


Such a hidden gem! If I recall correctly, 'The Secret Railroad' aired for just a few seasons before it got lost in the shuffle of bigger network shows. I got a buddy who's into digitizing old tapes. I'll reach out and see if he's got anything on TSR. Fingers crossed.

1 year, 1 month ago by KidsShowConnoisseur


Never heard of it, sounds kinda cool though. Good luck with your search!

1 year, 1 month ago by RandomRedditor42


Just the other day I saw someone mentioning 'The Secret Railroad' in a VHS collecting group. They said they had some episodes recorded from TV back in the '80s. Try searching for VHS swap-meet groups on Facebook maybe?

1 year, 1 month ago by VCRnostalgia


Talking trains? Just go watch Thomas and pretend it's 'The Secret Railroad'. Same difference.

1 year, 1 month ago by Trollin_Stone


I wish I could help you out, but sadly I'm also in the dark about 'The Secret Railroad'. However, I'm part of an animation forum where people discuss and trade old cartoons. I'll drop a post there and see if anyone's got the inside track on your show. Will keep you updated!

1 year, 1 month ago by AnimatedAddict


The Secret Railroad isn't as well-known as Thomas the Tank Engine but it does have a cult following. I own a couple of VHS tapes. There was a small fan club that exchanged recordings back in the day but they've gone pretty quiet. Keep an eye on eBay or other auction sites; rare tapes do surface there from time to time.

1 year, 1 month ago by TrainspotterEd


That show was part of my childhood too, haha. I think some library archives might have recordings of TV series like that. Maybe also check YouTube for any uploads, sometimes you find gold there!

1 year, 1 month ago by NostalgiaNerd88


OMG I totally remember 'The Secret Railroad'! Used to watch it at my grandma's house. Have you tried looking through old TV guides or asking on niche collector forums? Sometimes these guys have episodes of shows that never got released on DVD or anything!

1 year, 1 month ago by TrackFinderz