Kidd Video is the pinnacle of animation

lol, all of you are obsessing over lost media but let’s appreciate the reverse. The Kidd Video show was SO BAD that honestly, it's a win some episodes are lost. We don't need that kind of negativity in our lives, guys. Thank me later for this reality check.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by pilot_hoarder69


Gotta disagree here. It's easy to bash on old shows, but Kidd Video is a great part of 80s pop culture. The whole band-transported-into-another-dimension plot was radical. And don't get me started on those vibrant colors and synth tunes. Aesthetically, it's a win. And there's an audience that genuinely finds this 'negativity' pretty darn enjoyable. Also, that theme song is an earworm!

1 year, 2 months ago by xXx_RetroGamer_xXx


lol the only good thing 'bout Kidd Video is that some of it's lost 😂 who even remembers this show??

1 year, 2 months ago by toon_trollz


The hate for Kidd Video seems a bit much. Yes, it's not the crème de la crème of 80s cartoons, but it's a great study in mixed-media. The transition from live-action to animation was pretty innovative back in the day. It’s important for historical purposes to preserve media like this. Btw, the soundtrack slaps—some tracks are legit bops.

1 year, 2 months ago by glitchyVHS


Wow, glad we’ve found the sole authority on animation quality here. Next, you'll tell us that Scooby Doo is high art. Let people enjoy their 'bad' nostalgia trips. Kidd Video is gold to someone who grew up with it.

1 year, 2 months ago by justafan_dude


The show was pure 80s cheese...but that's why I loved it lol.

1 year, 2 months ago by analogkid


It's fascinating to see someone have such a strong opinion against Kidd Video. The show is undeniably a product of its time, with that unique blend of live-action and animation. And while it might not be the apex of televised art, the whole point of appreciating lost media is to preserve the history and evolution of content, regardless of its perceived quality. Plus, even the 'worst' episodes serve as a time capsule for that era's aesthetic and storytelling.

1 year, 2 months ago by media_hunter91


haha, I get what you're saying, but come on! Kidd Video is a classic in its own right. Sure, it's cheesy to the max, but isn't that part of the charm? The music was pretty catchy too. 'Gotta run, gotta hide, Kidd Video!' Ah, memories.

1 year, 2 months ago by 80sToonFan