

Nostalgic for 'The Modifyers'

There's just something about *The Modifyers* pilot that keeps me up at night. It had so much potential – the art style was superb, the character dynamics were spot on. Sadly, Nick didn't pick it up, and now all we have is that one episode. I'd do anything to see …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PixelPerfectMemories


Looking for 'That's My Jam' Unaired Pilot

um.. hi everyone! I'm new here and I've heard rumors of a music game show called 'That's My Jam' that never aired. It had celebrities teaming up for different challenges & stuff. If anyone else is into game shows plz hit me up, maybe we can search together 😊
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by toon_treasure_hunter


Lost Episode of Hey Arnold called 'The Patakis'

hey guys!!1 did u know there was supposed to be a Hey Arnold spinoff called 'The Patakis'?? Nickelodeon passed on it cuz it was too dark for their brand or smth. But there has to be a pilot out there. anyone got leads?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by dustyVHStapes


Unseen 'The Amazing World of Gumball' Pilot

The mythic unaired pilot of *The Amazing World of Gumball* is still amongst the most sought-after pieces for animation enthusiasts. Notoriously different in style, it allegedly features a live-action backdrop with 2D characters. Initially produced for testing purposes, the pilot was never intended for public viewing. If anyone has connections …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by cryptic_screenings


Kidd Video is the pinnacle of animation

lol, all of you are obsessing over lost media but let’s appreciate the reverse. The Kidd Video show was SO BAD that honestly, it's a win some episodes are lost. We don't need that kind of negativity in our lives, guys. Thank me later for this reality check.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by pilot_hoarder69


The Mystery Behind 'Galaxy High' Pilot

Remember 'Galaxy High'? One of the greatest space-themed cartoons of the 80s, IMHO. Rumor has it, the unaired, extended pilot had a totally different ending and setup for the characters. As a sucker for this stuff, I'm on a quest to find it! If anyone else out there shares my …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90scartoonfanatic


Anyone have 'Rick Moranis in Gravedale High'?

This show is LITERALLY a time capsule from the 90’s and as far as I know, it just aired a few episodes before dying in obscurity. Was it even good? Who knows. But that lost pilot episode is calling my name. Rick Moranis voicing a human among monster students? Gold. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by vhsaddict


Unique Insights on 'Fluppy Dogs' Pilot

Do any of you remember Disney's 'Fluppy Dogs'? It was a pilot turned TV special back in the 80s. The thing is, the first cut of the pilot had about an extra 10 minutes of footage that got cut before airing. Worked in the archives where this stuff was stored. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by showbiz_insider