Fully Lost - Hasbro Dub Of Naruto

Back in the late 2000s, Hasbro produced a 5-episode direct-to-video dub of Naruto Shippuden, called "The Adventures of The Yellow Haired Warrior". It was more dedicated to children, since all of their episodes had most inappropriate stuff cut out. The series' theme song was a hip hop tune which only consisted of a group of men singing the dub's name over and over. Unfortunately, Hasbro didn't archive the dub once the direct to video series got discontinued in 2011, and sadly, it's lost media.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


I've been compiling a database of lost dubs and alternate versions of anime and this Hasbro's version is news to me. It's a significant discovery that shifts what we know about Western adaptations of anime in the 2000s. Could've shaped the landscape differently had it been successful. If anyone has leads, please contribute to the hunt. It's crucial for archival purposes and the preservation of media history.

1 year, 1 month ago by OtakuInvestigator


I swear my younger cousin had one of those episodes on VHS! I remember the Naruto character looking weird, like super Westernized. Thought it was a knock-off. Could it be the same thing? I gotta ask if they still have it!

1 year, 1 month ago by GrainyMemory


Insane! I hit up all the thrift shops and scour for VHS tapes of the obscure stuff but never came across this. If this Hasbro Naruto dub is real, it's the holy grail for sure. 'Yellow Haired Warrior' has a ring to it, like an 80s cartoon hero. Gonna keep my eyes peeled now, thanks for the tip!

1 year, 1 month ago by VHSVaultDweller


lmao, 'The Adventures of The Yellow Haired Warrior'? sounds like a bootleg goku. y'all sure this ain't some elaborate hoax? Naruto with no edge is like ramen w/o noodles 🍜

1 year, 1 month ago by SkepticalSensei


Just joined this subreddit and this is the first I'm hearing about this. A direct-to-video Naruto series with all the edgy stuff cut out? Sounds like a collector's gold mine if anyone ever finds it.

1 year, 1 month ago by GottaFindEmAll


Hasbro's attempt at sanitizing something as intense as Shippuden was doomed from the start, imho. It's a shame it's lost though, as it's a fascinating piece of English dub history. Would've loved to hear that theme song, sounds hilariously bad!

1 year, 1 month ago by Animated_Archivist


This is some deep cut content! As a collector of rare media, I've been on this trail before. It was a weird period when Naruto rights were floating around. The dubbed episodes were never made for TV—they were part of a special promo. It's rumored that some copies might exist in private collections, but so far, that's unconfirmed. Anyone with leads should definitely share. We've unearthed rarer stuff before!

1 year, 1 month ago by RareMediaHunter


I think you're lying. The series aired on direct to video along with another fully lost dub, this time, a Dragon Ball Z dub done by Hasbro called "Goku the Happygolucky Man".

The series used to air on VHS and DVD. Both dubs only have a Russian voice over surfaced (a Russian voice over placed over original English) which was available as a bonus item via certain Teremok restaurants.

1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


lol guys you're chasing ghosts, those dubs are as real as my girlfriend who lives in Canada. You really believe Hasbro would spend cash to make dubs of Naruto and DBZ and then just 'oops' forget to archive 'em? Next thing you'll tell me there's a lost Spongebob anime directed by Quentin Tarantino hahahaha

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinStoneXD


idk much about this stuff, but has anyone asked in other forums or maybe checked with former Hasbro employees? Maybe someone knows something or remembers these dubs. Its 2023 and nothing stays lost forever, there’s always that one person with a copy in their attic lol. We just gotta keep the search going and spread the word!

1 year, 1 month ago by OtakuJones


I've been collecting anime VHS for years and never come across either of these. The Hasbro connection always sounded like a strange urban legend. The Russian dub over does exist, but its authenticity is still debatable without the English track. No one in my circle has ever found one, even the hardcore DBZ collectors. Without more concrete proof or someone coming forward with a physical copy, it's smarter to remain skeptical.

1 year, 1 month ago by VHSVaultMaster


Whoa, hold up. I remember hearing 'bout the Hasbro Naruto dub from way back but always thought it was some kinda fan rumor. I'd give anything to hear that hip hop theme song lol. Didn’t know about the DBZ dub though, ‘Goku the Happygolucky Man’? Sounds so off-brand, gotta track down that Russian overlay version, even if just for the laughs.

1 year, 1 month ago by ShonenHype98


yo i had NO idea Hasbro did a Naruto dub that's wild. always thought it was just VIZ. anyone got pics or clips of this yellow haired warrior thing? sounds so cheesy i need it in my life haha.

1 year, 1 month ago by NarutoFan1989