Not many people know this, but there was a director's cut for the final episode of 'Beetleborgs'. It supposedly had an alternative ending that completely changed the show's finale. A few VHS copies were circulated at comic conventions in the early 2000s, but have since vanished. If anyone has a lead on this, it would be legendary to unearth it for the fandom!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by betamax_bandit
MATE!! I’ve been after this for years. One lead I had, said there was a copy in an old rental store in Ohio, but the place closed down before I could check it out. Apparently the owner was a big Beetleborgs fan. So maybe the trail doesn't end there? If any beetleborgians are in OH, maybe it's worth digging into!
The director's cut is one of those holy grails of lost media. Tales of its existence are akin to bigfoot in the VHS collector's world. I've seen posts on old forums about the alternate ending having a time-loop plot that sets up a potential new season. Never confirmed though, so take it with a grain of salt. Rumor has it a guy named 'VHS_Danny' had a copy, but he went off the grid around '05.
Got a source for that director's cut claim? Seems like a stretch to me, no offense. Been in the lost media circles for years & this is the first I’m hearing of it. And I've come across some wacky stuff, but a different Beetleborgs ending... not even a whisper.
I’ve trawled through countless VHS bins and never came across this mythic director's cut. If this is real, whoever finds it will be the Indiana Jones of lost media. Would kill to see an alternate ending tbh. It kinda felt rushed, the official one.
I remember hearing rumors about that director's cut! It was supposed to add so much more depth to the Beetleborgs lore. Crazy to think some VHS copies are out there. I wonder if any collector's got it collecting dust on a shelf, not knowing what they have. 📼