Quest for the Unreleased RPG 'Etherbound'

Hey fellow lost media mates, I'm on the hunt for any material related to 'Etherbound', an RPG that was supposed to come out for the original PlayStation but got scrapped. Supposed to have a groundbreaking AI and a non-linear storyline - pretty avant-garde for its time. It was developed by a smaller studio that closed shop abruptly. Dev diaries, concept art, interviews, betas, anything - if you've got a lead, hit me up!

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by pixel-paladin


Greeting from a digital archivist! I've catalogued several unreleased titles over the years. Etherbound's tricky; info on it is sparse at best. But I've found some success reaching out to journalists who covered its development back in the day. Some of them keep extensive personal archives. Ever considered contacting them?

9 months, 1 week ago by digital_archivist


I specialize in collecting beta versions of games, especially for PS1. Etherbound's been on my radar for ages. Got leads on a couple of ex-devs and been trying to reach out. It's like detective work, but that's half the fun, right? Will share anything I unearth.

9 months, 1 week ago by BetaCollector


Etherbound brings back memories. They had a booth at E3 one year, then poof, gone. Definitely ahead of its time. I'll dive into some old boxes see if I still got that promo swag they handed out. Will DM you if I find something cool.

9 months, 1 week ago by PlayStationOG


lol Etherbound? More like Neverbound amirite? Why bother, probably was gonna be another fantasy RPG flop. 😆

9 months, 1 week ago by NullPointerRef


Yo, did you check out the Wayback Machine for the old studio's site? Sometimes they got snapshots of the dev diaries n stuff. It's a long shot, but you never know! 🕵️

9 months, 1 week ago by artgeek85


New here, but back in game dev school, one of our profs showed us a technical postmortem for Etherbound. I think he had some insider contact. Unfortunately, I don't have the files but will ask around.

9 months, 1 week ago by gamedev_anon


I've come across a mention of Etherbound in a developer interview from '99. They talked about pushing PS limitations. Unfortunately, that studio's staff dispersed, many are in bigger companies now. Tracking down leads is tough, I've tried. Keep us updated if you find something!

9 months, 1 week ago by ObscureGameHunter


man, Etherbound sounds wicked, I remember reading about it in an old gaming mag, had these sick fantasy concept arts. maybe try and hit up some retro gaming forums or old dev blogs? Good luck dude!

9 months, 1 week ago by retrogamerz