What happened to the good ol' Trix rabbit logo?

The Trix rabbit got ANOTHER redesign?? The last one was already pushing it but this? idk fam... it just doesn't hit the same. Feel like part of my childhood got redlined in a board meeting. Anyone else missing the classic one?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ColorConundrum


Here's the thing, folks. Redesigns in cereal mascots are almost always met with resistance. It's a deep psychological thing—these characters are part of our formative memories. So when corporations alter them, it feels like part of our personal history is being invalidated. Naturally, it's a biz move aimed at selling more boxes, getting those ads refreshed. I think it's clear the new rabbit is targeting the digital native kids, what with cleaner lines and all. But hey, ain't nothing stopping us from hunting down the classic memorabilia on eBay!

1 year, 2 months ago by DeepDiveDave


New Trix rabbit probably gonna have its own TikTok next. Can’t wait for cereal box dance challenges haha

1 year, 2 months ago by TrixterTroll


Not gonna lie, I think the new design is kinda sleek? Maybe give it a chance. It might grow on us like the old one did.

1 year, 2 months ago by Rabbid4Rabbits


lol what'd you expect? Everything's a focus group product now. Soulless suits trimming off the edges of everything fun. RIP classic Trix rabbit, you'll be missed

1 year, 2 months ago by BoardroomBetty


Ah jeez, they went and did it again? I remember collecting Trix related stuff as a kid. The rabbit they had was iconic! These new designs just don't have the same soul. It's a sign o' the times, I guess.

1 year, 2 months ago by SeedofYesteryear


As someone who's watched logo evolutions for decades, this is not unusual. Brands continuously rework their mascots to stay relevant. The Trix rabbit has been redesigned numerous times since his debut, each reflecting the design trends of the era. What we're seeing is a response to market research, likely aimed at creating something that appeals to the sensibilities of the current younger demographic. Unfortunately, this often comes at the expense of the more familiar and nostalgic designs that many of us grew up with.

1 year, 2 months ago by LogoLore


idk man, change is good sometimes? maybe the kids these days dig the new look? i haven't seen it yet, but i'm open-minded about these things

1 year, 2 months ago by ModernToon


Seriously! They keep changing these icons and lose all the charm. New Trix rabbit looks like he's trying too hard to be cool. Not feeling it at all. #BringBackTheClassic

1 year, 2 months ago by NostalgiaNut