OMG anyone know 'Galaxy Goofs'?!

hi hi!!! new here but like, i just HAD to find out if anyone knows this old show 'Galaxy Goofs'???? with those cute lil aliens getting into messes and their wonky spaceship, oh and that robot who always said 'beep beep boop, you're a doof!' when they messed up xD. pls tell me someone else knows it or where to watch??

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by xxfizzypopxx


Just went on a deep dive cuz of your post, no official streams :'( BUT some legends on the internet have pieced together episodes from old VHS tapes. The quality's not great, but it's something. Check out LostShowsArchive, read through the forums or just google with 'fan restoration' you might strike gold.

1 year, 2 months ago by ToonRediscover


As a serious collector of all things animation, 'Galaxy Goofs' is one of those white whales, super rare. You can check out conventions, sometimes vendors have old tapes no one's heard of. And there's always the chance some collector digitized them, sharing them in private groups. Don't give up, but also don't get scammed by fake copies out there.

1 year, 2 months ago by SpaceCaseCollector


lmaooo imagine remembering a kids show from eons ago, grow up people 🤣🤣🤣

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollUnderDaBridge


that show was the bomb!!! havent thought about it in years, omg the memories... those aliens were the cutest! no clue where to find it, might not even be online 🙁 but wouldn't it be awesome if it got rebooted??

1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolToonLover


Hey, so 'Galaxy Goofs' was kind of a blink-and-you-miss-it show, got few reruns. Production Company X had the rights iirc, they got absorbed by Mega Entertainment Corp, so might wanna check their vintage line-up on their app. Ask in forums, people share private collections there. Good luck! That show was such a hidden gem.

1 year, 2 months ago by CartoonsAreLyfe


OMG yes! That robot was my childhood hero, haha, 'beep beep boop, you're a doof!' Not sure where to stream it, but I'd also love to rewatch. Maybe someone here got the hookup?

1 year, 2 months ago by BeepBoopFan


Def remember 'Galaxy Goofs'! It aired like super late 90s, had that retro animation vibe even back then. Sadly it never got the following it deserved :( But hey, sometimes these shows pop up on retro streaming services or you can find episodes on VHS at like thrift stores. Legit, sometimes eBay sellers have these rarities too. Keep the search alive dude!

1 year, 2 months ago by Alien_Animaniac