Searching for 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' - Live-action/CGI mix show

Got a question for the hive mind here. Does anyone remember 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys'? Mid-90s show, mixed live-action with CGI way before it was commonplace. Jeremy was this kid who'd get sucked into stories his grandma read him, and things would get super surreal. I found a couple of screenshots online but no actual clips. It's like it hardly existed. Anyone else seen this or have footage?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by MisfitOfMagic


Worked in VFX around that time. 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' was indeed a thing, a colleague worked on it. CGI was so fresh, tough to blend with live-action back then. No footage myself, but these projects were often produced in-house at broadcast stations. Check with network archives or broadcasting museums. They might have leads. I'll mention it to some old mates, see if anyone's got the goods.

1 year, 2 months ago by VFXVeteran


Hey! This is why I love this community, the rare finds! I vaguely recall a scene with Jeremy in some sort of ship... sky ship maybe? If you get clips or footage, definitely share with us. Keeping the memory alive! I'll ask around; sometimes the old school animators and storyboard artists for those shows lurk on forums. They might have personal copies or know who would.

1 year, 2 months ago by CreativeSprite


New here, but this show sounds familiar! Didn't it have a dragon in it or something?? I used to watch a lot of shows at my grandma's as a kid, she taped everything. Next time I visit, I'll look through her VHS collection. Fingers crossed!

1 year, 2 months ago by StorybookNostalgia


I'm into collecting VHS tapes from that era. Never seen 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' on tape, though. Did you check out any local libraries? Sometimes they have old shows stashed away. Or maybe reach out to old TV stations? Some smaller stations keep archives of the shows they broadcasted back in the day.

1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolVHS


lol why do u even want to find that garbage? kids shows from the 90s were so bad, just get a life instead of living in the past 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by xx_trollin_xx


Archive aficionado here. 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' rings a bell; I believe it was pretty obscure, maybe why there's not much out there. Last year I came across a blog that mentioned it, had a detailed episode list with descriptions, might have some leads. I'll try to track that down again and get back to you. This is the good stuff—digging up the rarities. I'm on the case!

1 year, 2 months ago by MediaHunter


Oh yeah, I remember 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys'! My memory's fuzzy but the theme song still gets stuck in my head sometimes. I haven’t seen it in ages though. Wish I had recordings to share, good luck on the hunt!

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


I know! IIRC, the series used to air on CBBC (Children's BBC) and I remember Bernard Cribbins (with a high pitched voice) voicing the grandma.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Hold up, I might have something. My aunt worked in TV back in the day, and she kept a bunch of tapes from production sets. I remember seeing tapes with 'JJJ' written on them in her collection. I thought it stood for 'Julia's Jazz Jams' or something😂 I'll check with her this weekend and come back to you guys. Fingers crossed, it could be the gold mine!

1 year, 2 months ago by VividDreamer


Eh, I doubt that show aged well with its CGI. Most of those early experiments look like a low-budget video game cutscene now. Probably better left in the past tbh.

1 year, 2 months ago by CGI_Skeptic


I've been scouring old forums and websites and the wayback machine for Jeremy's Jolly Journeys, the nostalgia is real! Trawling through eBay for VHS tapes but no luck yet. And yeah, Bernard's pitch-shifted voice gave me the creeps as a kid, ngl. It just added to the surreal vibe.

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroFinder


omg Bernard Cribbins as the grandma? That's a blast from the past😂 Can't say I remember him sounding high-pitched, but it was the 90s. This show was so underrated, everyone talks about ReBoot when they think CGI. We should totally have a 'forgotten 90s shows' thread. Woudn't it be wild if Jeremy's Jolly Journeys suddenly popped up on a streaming service outta nowhere?

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidVHS


didn’t even know this show existed until now but sounds awesome! if anyone finds it pls post, would love to check it out

1 year, 2 months ago by genericredditor234


Actually studied a bit about Jeremy's Jolly Journeys in college. It was a technical marvel at the time, combining CGI with live-action in ways that were groundbreaking. If you're into animation or CGI history, it's quite a significant show. There was an article about it in an old industry magazine. If I find it, I'll scan it for ya!

1 year, 2 months ago by animation_admirer


I collect old cartoons and TV shows on VHS, and I've come across nearly everything from the 90s, but 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' isn't ringing any bells. If I do stumble upon it, I'll definitely rip it and share. Keeping my eyes peeled at the thrift shops and garage sales.

1 year, 2 months ago by vintage_toon_collector


You're on to something here. Shows that don't leave much of a digital footprint can be tough to track. But sometimes local libraries might have recordings of old TV shows, especially if they had any regional significance. Check for 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys'. Also, reach out on niche collectibles forums - someone might have old VHS tapes.

1 year, 2 months ago by lostmediadetective


YES! This was my show! Nobody I talk to remembers it, so frustrating. It’s like it's been wiped from existence. The CGI was kinda freaky, right? It was way ahead of its time. I remember the theme song was catchy, something about adventures and magical stories? Can’t find it anywhere online though.

1 year, 2 months ago by 90skidforeverrr


lol you sure that wasn't just a weird dream you had? never heard of it. sounds like a trippy show though. was jeremy's grandma on something?

1 year, 2 months ago by kidvidtroll


Jeremy's Jolly Journeys was a pioneering show in many respects. Sadly, it seems to have been a victim of poor archiving, which is a fate many shows from the 90s suffered due to the expensive storage costs of digital media from that era. You could try reaching out to the production company or see if any former crew members kept personal copies. Long shot, but might be worth it.

1 year, 2 months ago by mediamaven98


Oh my gosh, Jeremy's Jolly Journeys! That brings me back. I remember the episode with the giant talking flowers. Tried explaining it to a friend once and they thought I made it up cause there's nothing online. Hope someone finds those clips!

1 year, 2 months ago by timeywhimeykids