HELP! Looking for a puppet show with a dragon and a chef?

just joined this subreddit and I’m really hoping someone here can help me find this old puppet show I watched as a kid. pretty sure it was from the early 2000s. one of the puppets was a dragon who lived in a castle and his best friend was a chef? i remember they made this weird sparkling stew in one episode. does anyone know what I'm talking about??

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 00sKidMemories


I’m pretty sure I've come across what you're talking about in an old TV guide. I believe the chef had some sort of catchphrase? If you can remember any specific details or even part of a tune, it could jog somebody's memory. I've got an archive of old puppet shows; I'd be happy to dig through it for you.

1 year, 2 months ago by MysteryMediaMaster


There's a chance what you’re describing is one of those regional puppet shows that were released only on VHS in limited quantities. These types of shows rarely make it to DVD or streaming, and finding them is a real treasure hunt. You might want to check eBay or collectors' forums. Remember any specific characters or catchphrases?

1 year, 2 months ago by VintageVHS


just passing by this subreddit and saw your post. haven’t heard of that show, but now you've got me curious. if I find anything on it, i’ll let u know!

1 year, 2 months ago by alfred_the_unknowing


Is it the one where the dragon also had like a princess friend? And they’d all hang out solving problems and stuff?? I think my cousin had a plush toy of the dragon!

1 year, 2 months ago by Early2000sKid


puppet show with a dragon and a chef, you say? sounds like my last family dinner haha 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by SirTrollALot


OMG Yes!! That sparkling stew episode was my childhood! The show you're thinking of might be 'Castle Cookout'! It was super indie and aired on public access channels in some areas. There’s this scene where the dragon accidentally sets the chef's hat on fire—I remember laughing so hard at that. Good luck with your search, hope this helps!

1 year, 2 months ago by SparkleStewFanatic


Interesting, your show sounds familiar, but there were several puppet shows during that time with fantasy elements. It could be 'Dudley the Dragon', but as I recall, he didn't have a chef friend. 'Dragontales' maybe? Though this was animated, not puppetry. 'The Tales of the Green Dragon'? Could be a lesser-known production, in which case you might try checking out local libraries or old online archives for something matching that description.

1 year, 2 months ago by ChefPuppeteer


oooh i think i totally remember this!! didn't the dragon have like a goofy hat or something? it’s on the tip of my tongue, gonna dive into my old vhs tapes later and see if i can find it for you!

1 year, 2 months ago by DragonTales99