Looking for that old puppet show from the 80s...

Anyone remember that puppet show with the talking animals, I think it was Woodland Friends or something? Use to watch it after school. My sis and I been trying to find it everywhere but no luck. Can't even find a clip on YouTube. It's like it vanished. Anyone got any leads or, even better, some episodes stashed away?

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by OldSchoolBritKid


I sort of remember this! Didn't the animals solve problems every episode? Good luck on the hunt, hope you find it.

7 months, 1 week ago by RandomRedditor93


It's fascinating how certain programs fall off the radar; Woodland Friends you mentioned isn't one I'm familiar with in my years of collecting, but it's common for unofficial or small production runs not to be digitized. I'll dig through my catalogs this weekend and see if anything pops up. Additionally, checking with the BFI or reaching out to television preservation forums could bear fruit.

7 months, 1 week ago by VHSCollector3000


lol, good luck finding any old puppet show. probably was so bad that no one bothered to save it. why obsess over old trash when there’s plenty of new trash to enjoy?

7 months, 1 week ago by TrollinStone69


Yoooo, I defo remember a show with talking animals on puppets! Could it be The Enchanted Forest? My cousin had a VHS of it... lemme ask if they still got it. fingers crossed!

7 months, 1 week ago by 80sKidForever


isn't it mad how shows from our childhood can just disappear without a trace? wish i could help but i dont remember this one. good luck tho, would be a proper blast from the past to see it again!

7 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaIsLife


Hey, I'm new here, but I think the show you're looking for may actually be Forests & Fantasies. I'm basing this on your description; there was a wave of puppet shows during the 80s, so it's an easy mix-up. The title Woodland Friends doesn't quite match anything I know. I've got digital catalogs of retro shows, happy to search more in-depth if you can give me more deets - specific characters maybe?

7 months, 1 week ago by RetroTVGeek


I'm pretty sure you're talking about Whimsical Woodland from '83, not Woodland Friends. I've been collecting old puppets from UK shows for years and sometimes the shows get misremembered. Don't think there are any episodes in circulation unfortunately, rights issues and such have kept it buried. If you find anything, hit me up, would love to add to my collection.

7 months, 1 week ago by PuppetFanatic82


oh man, Woodland Friends... rings a bell. Have you tried looking for it in the archives of the local library? Sometimes they have old tapes n stuff, i think it might not be on the internet really. wish i had taped more shows from back then!

7 months, 1 week ago by OldeTellyFan