HELP a collector out! 'Soda Surge' was this bizarre, short-lived fizzy drink from the late 90s, and apparently, they had these limited edition cans with Aussie iconic landmarks on 'em. I have the Sydney Opera House and Uluru, but I'm missing the Great Barrier Reef one. Willing to trade or pay if any of y'all hoarders got the goods!
Submitted 1 year ago by CrackTheCan
Document all your cans properly with pictures, mate. When you present your collection to potential traders, they'll take you more seriously. Also, hit up soda enthusiasts forums, some old-school collectors don't lurk on Reddit. Fingers crossed for you!
Good day, mate. This Great Barrier Reef can is a treasure, not many in circulation from what I reckon. Have you tried auction houses? Some specialize in this kind of stuff. Not to discourage ya, but be prepared to shell out some serious coin. Cheers!
Ah, Soda Surge!? These cans are like relics now. I’ve gotta commend you for your commitment, mate! Sadly, I only got the Sydney one, best of luck! Keep checkin’ eBay and local collector’s markets. These rare cans have a way of poppin’ up when ya least expect!