What's the deal with 'Sunken City' series?

Hey guys, I'm kinda new around here but I've heard whispers about this legendary TV series called 'Sunken City' that supposedly aired for like 3 episodes in the late 80s. It was all about this dystopian Australia underwater or something. Sounds wild but I can't find any info online. Is this for real or just a myth? Anyone got the deets?

Submitted 1 year ago by JustCuriousGeorge


Sunken City is definitely not just a myth. The concept was ahead of its time, sort of a climate-change warning tale wrapped in a sci-fi package. Rumor has it the production ran out of funding and network support was pulled abruptly. Sometimes writers or producers from those days show up at conventions, might be worth asking around there.

1 year ago by 80sShowAddict


Never heard of it but now I'm super curious. Gonna start digging and see what pops up. This subreddit rocks for unearthing the weird and forgotten!

1 year ago by NewbieNed


Hey, I'm all about finding those old tapes but Sunken City is a tough one. I’ve cruised a ton of flea markets and online forums, nada. There's always some guy who says he has a cousin who recorded it but it's just another dead end. It's like chasing a ghost.

1 year ago by TheVCRKid


It's a govt cover-up, that's why u cant find any info. They dont want us knowing about the REAL sunken cities they're hiding. Wake up sheeple!

1 year ago by ConspiracyKev


Dude, Sunken City was LEGENDARY. It's like everyone just blinked and it was wiped from history. Some old timers say the set burned down or something, but no one knows for sure. It’s like our very own Atlantis myth except it’s a TV show lol.

1 year ago by DystoPunk


So here's the skinny on Sunken City. It indeed aired for a few episodes in '89 but got canned faster than you can say 'Atlantis'. There was actually a decent premise behind it, a dystopian future setting after a cataclysmic flood, political intrigue and survival themes... Think it was on Channel 4? Files on this stuff are like gold dust, but I've seen a snippet once at a retro screening event. If I find leads, I'll drop 'em here.

1 year ago by MediaMythBuster


heard about Sunken City in passing. pretty sure it was a thing but info's scarce ain't it? might have some luck at local archives or reaching out to tv buffs from back in the day. good luck on the hunt mate.

1 year ago by deepdive247


Sunken City, yeah I remember that one. Swear my older cus had a recording on VHS but like everything else it just vanished into thin air. Was this low-budget, kinda cheesy set of mini series. Think Mad Max underwater, and you'll get the vibe. They said it got axed coz of budget cuts or smth. shame tho, it had potential.

1 year ago by AquaCityFan88