90s maccas toys!!

ok so i remember maccas had these bomb transformers toys back in the 90s – they turned from like food items into robots. had a full set but mum chucked em years ago. any collectors got pics or know where i can get em? my nostalgia is hittin hard lads

Submitted 7 months, 4 weeks ago by aus_media_hunter


Remember them? Mate, they were the cornerstone of my childhood maccas visits! Those Changeables were so ahead of their time. I mean, fast food transforming into robots? Genius! They've become a bit of a collector’s item now. The nostalgia market's grown heaps. Just a tip though, when you’re looking online, make sure you don’t get the knockoffs. The original ones will have proper McDonald's branding on them!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by ToysOfYesteryear


Hey! A seasoned toy collector here. You're talking about the infamous 'Changeables', they have quite the legacy. Series 1 is the most common; later series get rarer. Keep an eye out for the Hotcakes-O-Dactyl and the Fry-Forcer, those are two of the most iconic ones. I’ve seen complete sets go from $50 to upwards of $200, depending on condition. Always check the seller's rating and ask for close-up photos to verify authenticity before buying. Happy hunting!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by Collectibles_4Ever


good luck finding toys that aren't chewed up by now, most 90s kids weren't thinking 'might be worth something one day' while tossing em around the sandbox 😂

7 months, 4 weeks ago by MacAttack77


omg yes! I remember the fries one transformed into some kinda bird??? Crazy stuff. I wish I still had those. If you find a decent seller hit me up, I'd kill to have those transformers again

7 months, 4 weeks ago by MaccasKid90s


Don't wanna burst your bubble but those toys aren't as grand as you remember. Beet plastic, shoddy transformations. Nostalgia's a heck of a drug. Anyway, you'll find heaps on eBay but watch out for price gougers. And make sure the decals are original if you're aiming for collectible condition. Cheers.

7 months, 4 weeks ago by MrCynic


Happy to help a fellow collector out! I’d recommend hitting up some local thrift stores or garage sales. Sometimes people have no idea what they’ve got and you might score ‘em for a bargain. Also, there are groups on Facebook dedicated to vintage toy collecting, you might wanna post there as well. Good luck, mate!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by ToyHunterMax


dude i feel you on the nostalgia hits haha, i remember those! my parents probably binned mine too. haven't seen 'em in ages but now i’m gonna dig around, thanks for the memory lane trip lol

7 months, 4 weeks ago by NostalgiaNut101


Oh man, those were the days! The toys you're talking about are from the 'McDonald's Changeables' series. I do have pics of my collection but ain't sure how to upload here ☹️. They were released in different series from '87 to '90. eBay's your best bet to find a complete set these days, but they can get pricey. Make sure to check for the complete set with all the transforming instructions!

7 months, 4 weeks ago by TransformersGeek