The Phantom Level of 'Bloodstone Battalion'

Alright, back in the day, there was this incredible level in 'Bloodstone Battalion' that I swear existed. It was a hidden stage with a castle overrun by spectral enemies, and I remember it because it had a glitch that would crash the game. But here's the kicker, there's no record of it anywhere online; no walkthroughs, no cheat codes, nothing. It's as if I dreamt the whole thing, but I can't have, right? Does ANYBODY else remember this or have a copy of the game with this level?

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Gaming_Ghost


I have a pretty extensive collection and haven't come across this level. Are we talking about a regional release or something from a demo disc? Sometimes those had special content that never made it to retail. Now I want to fire up my old system and check my copies!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by GameHoarder101


Fascinating stuff! There was a time I dove deep into gaming history for my thesis. Hidden and lost media like this is exactly why I advocate for better game preservation. It's totally possible that you encountered a developer’s hidden test level that got removed in later versions. I’d suggest reaching out to the original development team, if possible. They might be willing to shed some light on this and confirm if such a level existed. Keep us updated if you find anything!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by 16bitShaman


I'm telling you guys, sometimes developers built in these levels and pulled them last minute. Maybe it was an employee's secret project or something they scrapped but accidentally left in a few copies. Wouldn't be the first time devs left something hidden deep in the game code.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by codedweller


I pride myself on my retro games knowledge, and Bloodstone Battalion's one of my top 10. Never heard of this level but I'm intrigued. Some games had special promos or were different by region. Maybe we're talking about a super rare version? Or could be one of those gaming myths, like Polybius...

9 months, 3 weeks ago by retrorenaissance


Pff, spectral enemies? Let me guess, next you're gonna say a ghost took your copy of the game cause they didn't wanna be found. get real lol

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Sir_Trollalot


Hey, I've been chronicling game glitches for years, but this is new to me. It's possible it might've been a local version glitch or a mod? The 90s were wild with unrecorded easter eggs. If it did exist, It'd be on some obscure gaming BBS or a lost Geocities page. Keep digging!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by GlitchFinder64


Man, Bloodstone Battalion was my jam! I totally remember a vague level like that, super hard to find. Never beat it cuz of that glitch tho, so frustrating! I tore through my old gaming mags hoping for a cheat code or something, no dice. Maybe some buried forum has the deets? Good luck!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by bitcrushedmemories