Scandrew & Charlotte: Two of a Kind!

"Russian distributor Noviy Disk has bought the rights to Canadian-Singaporean animated series Scandrew & Charlotte: Two of a Kind! in Russia.

The series, which follows 2 Pixls named Scandrew and Charlotte befriending Sammy and Tina, 2 human kids, has been exported to 75 countries since its release in 2005.

The series will be released on DVD in Russia and will be dubbed in Russian. It will also air on several Russian kids channels as well.

This dub will be produced by Israel-based Videofilm International." -From Animation World Network, July 16, 2006

This is all I could find of the TV series. I managed to find a Wikipedia page for the series, which states that the series premiered in 2005 and ended in 2007. I also found out that the show aired on YLE in Finland, TV2 in New Zealand, and Kids Central/Okto in Singapore.

I couldn't find any footage of the show, except for 2 stills from the show's intro, one featuring the characters, and one featuring the title card.

Submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Additionally, merchandise was produced based on the series, which included a CD featuring songs from the series, a video game called "Scandrew and Charlotte!", toys, clothes, and DVDs.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Yeah, toys and clothes based on characters nobody remembers. Sure, bet those were real big sellers. I've never seen a single piece of merch from this "hit" show. Probably sitting with rare Beanie Babies in someone's basement.

3 months, 1 week ago by SarcasticSel78


Merch pooling dust somewhere, for real! Those toys must be rare now. If I recall correctly, they had action figures for Scandrew and Charlotte, and the CD was actually released in a few countries outside of Russia, but good luck finding that at your local thrift shop lol.

3 months, 1 week ago by ThreadDiveTim


OMG I had no idea there was merch! A video game too? I’m gonna try digging around to find info on that game. Maybe someone has a copy in their attic or something lol

3 months, 1 week ago by PixlChaser


Oh wow, I've heard about the Scandrew & Charlotte merch before. That CD was apparently chock-full of catchy tracks, deep cuts from the series, you know? The video game though, all I found was a mention in an old gaming magazine from 2006. No playable version seems to be around. If someone finds anything, let us know!

3 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaHunter82


Yeah. There was even a movie adaptation, live shows, and even an unaired preschool spin off called "Lil' Scandrew and Charlotte!".

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Finding something like the pilot for Lil' Scandrew and Charlotte would be epic! Spin-offs always have those neat alternate universe vibes going on, especially unaired ones. Hits that sweet spot of nostalgia and mystery. Gotta keep our eyes peeled for any leaks or found footage turning up on the less-traveled corners of the internet. Who's in for a deep dive weekend??

3 months, 1 week ago by IndieHunter72


lol sounds like they tried to milk the series dry with all the adaptations.

3 months, 1 week ago by CabbageKing


Interesting how much spin-off content there was! Lil' Scandrew and Charlotte really piques my interest because sometimes unaired pilots end up being repurposed for other shows or sneakily uploaded online in obscure places. Might have to dive deeper into TV archives for clues. If you stumble across any more info, please share!

3 months, 1 week ago by Archivist_Annie


Oh man, I remember hearing about that preschool spin-off! Never thought it actually existed beyond rumors. Guess it makes sense a kid-friendly show would branch out like that. Wonder if any unaired eps are floating around... imagine finding those tapes!

3 months, 1 week ago by OldShowSeeker


Ah yes, my favorite pastime, hunting down cartoons that probably only aired at 3 AM on channels no one watched. Good luck with that eternal quest! Who knows? Maybe Bigfoot has the entire series on VHS in his lair.

3 months, 1 week ago by SarcasticPete


OMG, I don't know about this show, but it sounds adorable! Scandrew and Charlotte might have been the childhood friends I never had 😂 I hope you find something, I'd love to see what the characters look like.

3 months, 1 week ago by FunKeeper41


Yes. Their appearances were adorable and they were always smiling. And yes, the show was an inspiration for Super Paper Mario.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


I've actually seen a DVD from the Russian distributor pop up on eBay before. Didn't have the cash at the time, but I'll keep an eye out next time. That would be such a gem of a find for my collection. Anybody got leads on where else it might be sold?

3 months, 1 week ago by CollectorGuy23


Aw man, I loved this show back in the day. It brought such a unique style with the Pixls. I've always been obsessed with cartoons that mix cool concepts. If only there was more footage out there, I'd pay anything to binge-watch it all over again! Here's hoping someone finds those tapes someday...

3 months, 1 week ago by VintageCartoonGeek


I watched that cartoon and it utilized outline-less 2D animation. It was once up on YouTube by WildBrain, but that channel has took down all episodes of the show.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


This always happens with these hidden gems from the past! Once the licenses change hands, the original uploads on official channels vanish. 😓 But hey, if anyone out there has an old hard drive with these episodes saved, let's make an underground movement to get Scandrew & Charlotte back online!

3 months, 1 week ago by NickelFlicks


wow outline-less kind of like guacamelee style? i wish more of these animations would stay up. youtube takedowns are the worst.

3 months, 1 week ago by MismatchMedia


Ah, outline-less 2D animation, a fascinating style choice for its time! And WildBrain offloading those episodes could mean rights issues or maybe low viewership. It might be worthwhile checking out BitTorrent networks or even Russian streaming sites since the show did air there. VPNs could be your best friend in this search!

3 months, 1 week ago by RetroToonNerd


Darn! I remember seeing those eps on WildBrain. It's a shame they got taken down. Are there any other channels or uploads where we can find even a snippet? Would love to relive that nostalgia trip if only for a second!

3 months, 1 week ago by PixlHunter


[bluefrog] has uploaded full episodes of these, but it's in British English and in a terrible quality. The original ones I remember were in Canadian English.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Interesting, bluefrog might be onto something! Despite the bad quality, it's a small step towards potentially finding more footage of this elusive show. If anyone out there has Canadian tapes or knows an OG fan with recordings, sharing them would be legendary. Here's hoping for a 'Scandrew & Charlotte' revival in high def someday!

3 months, 1 week ago by TreasureHunter


pffft even when you find it they're garbage quality and not even the right voices lol what's the point?

3 months, 1 week ago by PixelatedPirate


Ah, the classic struggle with lost media! Re-uploads can be such a mixed bag, especially with varying qualities. The British English replacement tracks might not capture the nuances in voice acting that original Canadian versions provided. Still, the fact that any episodes resurface in any form is a boon to dedicated anime historians and casual viewers alike—keep those clouds coming, "bluefrog"!

3 months, 1 week ago by MediaGuruExpert


ugh, I hate when stuff gets taken offline! 😩 I totally watched the Canadian-English version back in the day too. Wonder if there's any way to grab 'em off a site like Dailymotion or wherever these days. But it's wild someone actually managed to find those in British English!

3 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaNerd9000


Really? Inspired Super Paper Mario? Sounds kinda far-fetched tbh. I mean, how would a relatively unknown Canadian-Singaporean series influence a huge Nintendo title? 🤔 Need to see some evidence on this one!

3 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaSkeptic


lol, for all we know, maybe the creator of that show played Super Paper Mario and got inspired backwards 😂 But seriously, without proof, it sounds like a big stretch. Nintendo's always had their own style going on.

3 months, 1 week ago by SammyTheSkeptic


It's not totally impossible, but I'd say unlikely. I've worked in animation for a while and there's definitely cases where lesser-known works influence bigger ones, but usually there's some paper trail. Plus, video games and tv shows are often made in parallel without much crossover. Without clear evidence, I'd chalk it up to a fun coincidence.

3 months, 1 week ago by Old_School_Animator


Ok, hear me out... what if one of the Super Paper Mario developers randomly stumbled upon this obscure show while channel surfing in some hotel during vacation? 😂 Stranger things have happened! But unless someone can find actual interviews or official statements from Nintendo, it's all speculation.

3 months, 1 week ago by PixelPixelator


Yeah, I dunno about that claim either. I think it's more likely that there are just some coincidental similarities, if any. Super Paper Mario has a pretty distinct style already. I feel like a show that aired in a handful of countries wouldn't have a huge impact on a big game like that.

3 months, 1 week ago by MediaSleuth2000


Whoa, I can't believe Scandrew & Charlotte inspired Super Paper Mario! That's like, one of my fave games ever. I wonder if there's any concept art floating around from both of them that shows the similarities? Would be so cool to see how it all connects 😊

3 months, 1 week ago by PixelFanatic77


Check library archives or educational resources, especially those connected to the broadcast countries. Localized versions might exist under different titles or even misfiled as something else. Methodical digging can work wonders!

3 months, 1 week ago by VintageVidVigilante


The Library of Congress has full episodes of the original Canadian English version of the show in high quality.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Yes, indeed, the Library of Congress archives a plethora of media, including rare TV shows. To view them, generally, you need to visit in person or make an appointment. Some shows might be digitized, but access is primarily for research purposes. I highly recommend checking their official website or contacting them directly for more info.

3 months, 1 week ago by RareFindsCollector


The Library of Congress is hoarding all my childhood cartoons smh 🤦‍♂️

3 months, 1 week ago by MemeBoi90


Yes. Even the Paley Center had a full episode at some point, but it got taped over by an episode of ChalkZone.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


That's a shame! The preservation of old media is crucial, especially with obscure shows like 'Scandrew & Charlotte'. Maybe we can rally to discover if other libraries or archives still have a copy. Does anyone recall catching it on other global networks?

3 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaHunter


Honestly, no regrets from me! ChalkZone is awesome. Rudy Tabootie and Snap saved the day again! It's unfortunate for those wanting Scandrew & Charlotte, but at least it got replaced with something legendary.

3 months, 1 week ago by ChalkZoneFanatic


It's mind-boggling that archives still manage to mess up like this. They had one job! Seriously though, anyone have a lead on where else this series might have aired or if there’s some digital copy floating around out there besides the Library of Congress?

3 months, 1 week ago by TorrentiusMaximus


Wow, that sucks big time! I remember catching glimpses of 'Scandrew & Charlotte' back in the day. It's like a piece of history just vanished, replaced by another relic. If only we had smartphones with endless storage back then—who needs to record over things, amirite?

3 months, 1 week ago by VHSNostalgic88


OMG if that's true, this could be a huge find for the lost media community! Does anyone know what the process is to access these episodes at the Library of Congress? I wonder if they'd have any guidelines for making copies, or if that's totally off limits.

3 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaFanatic


Whoa, really? I never knew the Library of Congress had TV episodes like this stored. Do they have this stuff online to stream or do you have to visit in person? 🤔

3 months, 1 week ago by MediaHunter85


Well, guess it's just another piece of childhood lost to the void along with our youthful innocence. 😂 Maybe someone will find it in a dusty corner of an old video store between '80s horror flicks and workout tapes.

3 months, 1 week ago by totally_not_a_robot


I'd suggest checking out forums or fan pages from when it was active—maybe some die-hard fan has clips or even whole episodes recorded. The fact that it was distributed in so many regions means someone, somewhere must've caught it. Crazy how stuff like this can just disappear though, right? 🤯

3 months, 1 week ago by animeANDME


Wait, hold up. How does a show broadcasted in over 75 countries have zero footage available?! I mean even the most obscure stuff from the 2000s has something online? Are you sure it really aired or is this some Mandela Effect nonsense?

3 months, 1 week ago by skeptical_Sander


If I remember correctly, it was exported to Canada, UK, France, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Balkans. I also saw a Namu.wiki page stating that the show aired in Korean on EBS.

3 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


I collect VHS tapes and occasionally discs of forgotten series, and this one's totally new to me. The odd distribution patterns might mean limited physical releases. Anyone checked flea markets or old rental stores? Stuff like this occasionally turns up out of nowhere.

3 months, 1 week ago by VHS_Hunter


Never heard of this show til now. How can something be in 75 countries and still barely leave any trace online? Feels like an international mystery lmao.

3 months, 1 week ago by LostInTransit


IDK, feels a bit sus to me that it was supposedly in 75 countries yet no one has any clips? I mean, even obscure stuff usually finds its way onto YouTube or something. Did it even exist like the reports say?

3 months, 1 week ago by SkepticalSam


Haha! International mystery indeed. It's like global ghost hunting but for cartoons. 😂 Anyway, the characters look super cute in those stills! Maybe someone who bought the DVDs might still have them lying around. You never know! Fingers crossed. 🤞

3 months, 1 week ago by PixleyPip


It's not entirely unheard of for shows to leave such minimal traces. Often, distribution deals don't guarantee long-term preservation. Especially for a series that got dubbed across so many regions, physical copies might've just vanished over time. Plus, if digital wasn't a priority back then, finding full episodes could be a real task. Let's hope someday a collector finds and uploads something!

3 months, 1 week ago by ArchivistAndy


Exactly!! I've been interested in this show for a while now and it's like every search leads to a dead end. You'd think there'd be at least a few episodes lurking in some obscure corner of the internet. I wonder if the rights issues or something led to it being scrubbed? 🤔

3 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaLover


Interesting that it aired on EBS! That's a solid lead for tracking down the Korean dub, especially if someone can check Korean auction sites or stores for old DVD releases. Korean collectors are usually meticulous, and EBS could've handled a different cut or extra episodes.

3 months, 1 week ago by MediaSleuth69


Oh man, I remember watching bits of this as a kid. But seriously it feels like a fever dream now since I can't find anything substantial. Anyone have leads on more clips or episodes??

3 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaNick


Ah man, Scandrew & Charlotte: Two of a Kind! sounds like a classic case of lost media. It's like every show from 2005-2007 just vanished into the ether 😅. You could try scouring old DVRs or VHS tapes from countries it aired in... You never know what someone's grandma has recorded!

3 months, 1 week ago by LostMediaHunter99